Re: [Issue 132] New - FileUpload: large files, when uploaded, do not display message

From: Paul Fussell <Paul.Fussell_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 18:10:38 -0700

With the Woodstock 4.0 component, the max file size is 1 MB unless
you reset it. This behavior is documented in the help topic for this
component in Visual Web Pack. However, as suggested in the bug, it
wouldn't hurt to display a message if the file is over 1 MB so the
user knows what to do.

Here's the excerpt from the help topic:

By default, the File Upload component can handle files up to one
megabyte in size. You can change the maximum file size by modifying
the maxSize parameter for the UploadFilter filter entry in the
application's web.xml file, as described below.

A negative value for the maxSize parameter indicates that there is no
file size limit. Setting the parameter to a negative value is not
recommended for security reasons. For example, if you allow
unlimited file sizes, a malicious user could mount a denial of
service attack on your site by using extremely large files.

To change the settings for the UploadFilter object in the web.xml file:

1. In the Files window, expand project-name > web > WEB-INF.

2. Double-click the web.xml node to open the file in the XML editor.

3. Click the Filters toolbar button.

4. In the UploadFilter section under Initialization Parameters, you
can change the values for the maxSize and sizeThreshold parameters.


At 05:40 AM 4/20/2007, wrote:
> Issue #|132
> Summary|FileUpload: large files, when uploaded,
> do not displa
> |y message
> Component|test
> Version|4.1
> Platform|Sun
> OS/Version|All
> URL|
> Status|NEW
> Status whiteboard|
> Keywords|
> Resolution|
> Issue type|ENHANCEMENT
> Priority|P3
> Subcomponent|example_app
> Assigned to|bob_yennaco
> Reported by|camucci
>------- Additional comments from Fri Apr 20
>12:40:23 +0000 2007 -------
>Enhance the fileupload examples (4.1 example.war) to note that files over x KB
>or MB should be avoided.
>Currently, if you select a large file ( 3MB for example ) the app will not
>upload the file, nor will it display an error indicating the file is too big.
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