Is this some specific restriction by the example app itself relative to
the size of the file? That is, is there another instance of FileUpload
in some other app where the same file does successfully upload? If not,
is there some restriction in the component? Otherwise I find it hard to
believe the JVM or the underlying OS can't handle this. wrote:
> Issue #|132
> Summary|FileUpload: large files, when uploaded, do not displa
> |y message
> Component|test
> Version|4.1
> Platform|Sun
> OS/Version|All
> URL|
> Status|NEW
> Status whiteboard|
> Keywords|
> Resolution|
> Issue type|ENHANCEMENT
> Priority|P3
> Subcomponent|example_app
> Assigned to|bob_yennaco
> Reported by|camucci
> ------- Additional comments from Fri Apr 20 12:40:23 +0000 2007 -------
> Enhance the fileupload examples (4.1 example.war) to note that files over x KB
> or MB should be avoided.
> Currently, if you select a large file ( 3MB for example ) the app will not
> upload the file, nor will it display an error indicating the file is too big.