Dongmei fixed it in 4.0 (6496742) so a message gets displayed, but you
must have a message Group (or linked message component) on the page to
see it.
Paul Fussell wrote:
> With the Woodstock 4.0 component, the max file size is 1 MB unless you
> reset it. This behavior is documented in the help topic for this
> component in Visual Web Pack. However, as suggested in the bug, it
> wouldn't hurt to display a message if the file is over 1 MB so the
> user knows what to do.
> Here's the excerpt from the help topic:
> By default, the File Upload component can handle files up to one
> megabyte in size. You can change the maximum file size by modifying
> the maxSize parameter for the UploadFilter filter entry in the
> application's web.xml file, as described below.
> A negative value for the maxSize parameter indicates that there is no
> file size limit. Setting the parameter to a negative value is not
> recommended for security reasons. For example, if you allow unlimited
> file sizes, a malicious user could mount a denial of service attack on
> your site by using extremely large files.
> To change the settings for the UploadFilter object in the web.xml file:
> 1. In the Files window, expand project-name > web > WEB-INF.
> 2. Double-click the web.xml node to open the file in the XML editor.
> 3. Click the Filters toolbar button.
> 4. In the UploadFilter section under Initialization Parameters, you
> can change the values for the maxSize and sizeThreshold parameters.
> --Paul
> At 05:40 AM 4/20/2007, wrote:
>> Issue #|132
>> Summary|FileUpload: large files, when uploaded, do
>> not displa
>> |y message
>> Component|test
>> Version|4.1
>> Platform|Sun
>> OS/Version|All
>> URL|
>> Status|NEW
>> Status whiteboard|
>> Keywords|
>> Resolution|
>> Issue type|ENHANCEMENT
>> Priority|P3
>> Subcomponent|example_app
>> Assigned to|bob_yennaco
>> Reported by|camucci
>> ------- Additional comments from Fri Apr 20
>> 12:40:23 +0000 2007 -------
>> Enhance the fileupload examples (4.1 example.war) to note that files
>> over x KB
>> or MB should be avoided.
>> Currently, if you select a large file ( 3MB for example ) the app
>> will not
>> upload the file, nor will it display an error indicating the file is
>> too big.
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