I had a question about the specification section 11.1.17.
In that section it says:
This specification does not define the exact behavior of these [identity
> generation] strategies.
Does this "undefined" nature pertain to *all* aspects of identity
generation, or just the inner workings of the various generators themselves?
For example, suppose I have an entity with an id field like this:
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.TABLE); // other stuff omitted
for brevity
private int id = 74;
And suppose further that my table generator is set up properly.
Is the specification deliberately reserving judgement on what should happen
here? Will new instances of this entity be attempted to be persisted with
the value 74, or will the table generator kick in and generate a "real"
value here?
I would have expected that the second state of affairs would happen.
My reading of the specification here is that this is unspecified. If I
were king of the world, I would prefer that this area be defined.