Adding examples for @PersistenceContexts would kind of stick out,
wouldn't it? If we add for that one annotation then we should probably
add examples for all of them in the chapter. There are currently no
examples for any of them.
Sections 10.3.1 and 10.3.2 don't do any more than just mention the
plural form in a sentence that states which classes they can annotate,
and then they include the pluralized annotation definition. Sections
10.3.3 and 10.4.1 did include the definition, but did not mention it in
text. Seems like if we wanted to make 10.3.3 and 10.4.1 be consistent
with 10.3.1 and 10.3.2 the only thing that would need to be added would
be a general statement of the form used in 10.3.1 and 10.3.2:
<Annotation> and <pluralizedAnnotation> can be applied to .....
On 13/09/2012 1:03 PM, Linda DeMichiel wrote:
> Hi Scott,
> Thanks for the suggestion. I will add.
> -Linda
> On 9/13/2012 5:37 AM, Scott Marlow wrote:
>> Hi eg,
>> I don't see a description of @PersistenceContexts. Could we add a few
>> words about @PersistenceContexts to section 10.4.1?
>> includes the following:
>> "
>> @PersistenceContexts
>> If you need to specify more than one @PersistenceContext, you must
>> specify all your persistence contexts using a single
>> @PersistenceContexts annotation.
>> "
>> The above link also has an example that would be nice to include:
>> @Stateless
>> @PersistenceContexts({
>> @PersistenceContext(name="OrderEM"),
>> @PersistenceContext(name="ItemEM")
>> })
>> public class OrderEntryBean implements OrderEntry {
>> @Resource EJBContext ctx;
>> public Customer getCustomer(int custID) {
>> EntityManager em = (EntityManager)ctx.lookup("OrderEM");
>> return em.find(Customer.class, custID);
>> }
>> public void enterItem(int orderID, Item newItem) {
>> EntityManager em = (EntityManager)ctx.lookup("ItemEM");
>> ...
>> }
>> }