I don't think passing the product name is an issue...
As far as versioning, if we are going to have both sets of version
identification (major/minor-version and product-version) then we
potentially have consistency problems with non-matching values and
different providers interpreting that differently. What exactly is the
argument for using DatabaseProductVersion instead of
DatabaseMajorVersion/DatabaseMinorVersion at all?
On Fri 31 Aug 2012 02:50:41 PM CDT, Linda DeMichiel wrote:
> On 8/31/2012 12:27 PM, Steve Ebersole wrote:
>> Just to clarify... Do you mean :
>> 1) DatabaseProductName
>> 2) DatabaseMajorVersion
>> 3) DatabaseMinorVersion
>> or
>> 1) DatabaseProductName
>> 2) DatabaseMajorVersion
>> 3) DatabaseMinorVersion
>> 4) DatabaseProductVersion
> I mean all 4. But I will flag it as an open issue to get further input.
>> ?
>> Sorry if I was unclear before. I totally agree that I also think we
>> need DatabaseProductName. What I was saying was that
>> I thought using DatabaseMajorVersion and DatabaseMinorVersion was
>> better than using just DatabaseProductVersion. Which
>> it sounds like Lance is agreeing with.
>> On Fri 31 Aug 2012 02:20:09 PM CDT, Linda DeMichiel wrote:
>>> OK, thanks -- I will add additional properties for these.
>>> On 8/31/2012 7:03 AM, Lance Andersen - Oracle wrote:
>>>> a few JDBC drivers can connect to multiple databases with the same
>>>> driver such as jConnect to ASE, SQL Anywhere and Open
>>>> Servers. In these cases just having the Major and minor version
>>>> numbers might not be enough to distinguish the actual
>>>> database you are connecting to. So you would probably need
>>>> DatabaseProductName as well.
>>>> I agree parsing could be a bit troublesome but either way you really
>>>> need all 3 pieces of info if you do not leverage
>>>> DatabaseProductVersion so you could use getDatabaseProductName,
>>>> getDatabaseMajorVersion, getDatabaseMinorVersion
>>>> Best
>>>> Lance
>>>> On Aug 30, 2012, at 11:56 PM, Steve Ebersole wrote:
>>>>> Personally I think we get into trouble having both sets of versions.
>>>>> What happens if the user specifies both
>>>>> DatabaseProductVersion and DatabaseMajorVersion/DatabaseMinorVersion?
>>>>> To be completely honest, personally I'd much rather have access to
>>>>> the DatabaseMetaData. But if thats not going to be
>>>>> an option, I'd vote for just DatabaseMajorVersion and
>>>>> DatabaseMinorVersion (optional).
>>>>> On Thu 30 Aug 2012 10:41:00 PM CDT, Linda DeMichiel wrote:
>>>>>> Great, thanks!
>>>>>> So, should we specify all 4 pieces of information?
>>>>>> On 8/30/2012 8:09 PM, Steve Ebersole wrote:
>>>>>>> Another is PostgreSQL adds "if exists" as an option for dropping
>>>>>>> tables in 8.2 (major=8, minor=2) which did not exist in
>>>>>>> 8.1 or earlier
>>>>>>> On Thu 30 Aug 2012 10:04:35 PM CDT, Steve Ebersole wrote:
>>>>>>>> Well a real simple example is that Derby supports sequences after
>>>>>>>> 10.6, but not before. So there
>>>>>>>> DatabaseMetaData#getDatabaseMajorVersion=10 and
>>>>>>>> DatabaseMetaData#getDatabaseMinorVersion=6. Even if the Derby
>>>>>>>> driver
>>>>>>>> were to report the
>>>>>>>> DatabaseMetaData#getDatabaseProductVersion="10.6"
>>>>>>>> or somesuch, relying on being able to parse that into ints to be
>>>>>>>> able
>>>>>>>> to do range checks make me nervous, especially when JDBC already
>>>>>>>> offers means to know the major/minor.
>>>>>>>> And thats just one example that came to me immediately.
>>>>>>>> On Thu 30 Aug 2012 07:24:45 PM CDT, Linda DeMichiel wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Steve,
>>>>>>>>> I'd like to understand this better, as the info I have from our
>>>>>>>>> team
>>>>>>>>> here
>>>>>>>>> indicates that database produce name together with version (in
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> worst case)
>>>>>>>>> would be sufficient. Do we need all four properties to
>>>>>>>>> accommodate
>>>>>>>>> the range
>>>>>>>>> of drivers/databases?
>>>>>>>>> thanks,
>>>>>>>>> -Linda
>>>>>>>>> On 8/29/2012 7:30 AM, Steve Ebersole wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> As far as:
>>>>>>>>>> javax.persistence.database-product-name,
>>>>>>>>>> javax.persistence.database-product-version,
>>>>>>>>>> I'd really rather see major/minor version used:
>>>>>>>>>> (int) java.sql.DatabaseMetaData#getDatabaseMajorVersion
>>>>>>>>>> (int) java.sql.DatabaseMetaData#getDatabaseMinorVersion
>>>>>>>>>> as opposed to the proposed:
>>>>>>>>>> (String) java.sql.DatabaseMetaData#getDatabaseProductVersion
>>>>>>>>>> For one Hibernate already uses those 2 ;) For another its more
>>>>>>>>>> indicative of what is/isn't available consistently across
>>>>>>>>>> databases.
>>>>>>>>>> On 07/23/2012 06:55 PM, Linda DeMichiel wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Here's an updated version of my earlier schema generation
>>>>>>>>>>> proposal,
>>>>>>>>>>> broken out as to proposed spec changes. You should hopefully
>>>>>>>>>>> find
>>>>>>>>>>> this considerably more flexible and detailed than the earlier
>>>>>>>>>>> draft.
>>>>>>>>>>> -Linda
>>>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> Proposed spec changes:
>>>>>>>>>>> New Section: Schema Generation [to follow section 9.3]
>>>>>>>>>>> Schema generation may either happen prior to application
>>>>>>>>>>> deployment or
>>>>>>>>>>> when the entity manager factory is created as part of the
>>>>>>>>>>> application
>>>>>>>>>>> deployment and initialization process.
>>>>>>>>>>> * In Java EE environments, the container may call the
>>>>>>>>>>> PersistenceProvider generateSchema method separately from
>>>>>>>>>>> and/or
>>>>>>>>>>> prior to the creation of the entity manager factory for the
>>>>>>>>>>> persistence unit, or the container may pass additional
>>>>>>>>>>> information to the createContainerEntityManagerFactory call to
>>>>>>>>>>> cause schema generation to happen as part of the entity manager
>>>>>>>>>>> factory creation and application initialization process. The
>>>>>>>>>>> information passed to these methods determines whether the
>>>>>>>>>>> generation of schemas and/or tables occurs directly in the
>>>>>>>>>>> target
>>>>>>>>>>> database, or whether DDL scripts for schema generation are
>>>>>>>>>>> created, or both.
>>>>>>>>>>> * In Java SE environments, the application may call the
>>>>>>>>>>> Persistence
>>>>>>>>>>> generateSchema method separately from and/or prior to the
>>>>>>>>>>> creation
>>>>>>>>>>> of the entity manager factory or may pass information to the
>>>>>>>>>>> createEntityManagerFactory method to cause schema generation to
>>>>>>>>>>> occur as part of the entity manager factory creation.
>>>>>>>>>>> The application may provide DDL scripts to be used for schema
>>>>>>>>>>> generation, and package these scripts as part of the
>>>>>>>>>>> persistence
>>>>>>>>>>> unit
>>>>>>>>>>> or specify URLs corresponding to the location of such
>>>>>>>>>>> scripts. In
>>>>>>>>>>> Java EE environments, such scripts may be executed by the
>>>>>>>>>>> container,
>>>>>>>>>>> or the container may direct the persistence provider to
>>>>>>>>>>> execute the
>>>>>>>>>>> scripts; in Java SE environments, the execution of the
>>>>>>>>>>> scripts is
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> responsibility of the persistence provider. In the absence
>>>>>>>>>>> of the
>>>>>>>>>>> specification of scripts, schema generation, if requested,
>>>>>>>>>>> will be
>>>>>>>>>>> determined by the object/relational metadata of the persistence
>>>>>>>>>>> unit.
>>>>>>>>>>> The following standard properties are defined for use in schema
>>>>>>>>>>> generation. In Java EE environments these properties are
>>>>>>>>>>> passed by
>>>>>>>>>>> the container in the Map argument to the PersistenceProvider
>>>>>>>>>>> generateSchema method or createContainerEntityManagerFactory
>>>>>>>>>>> method.
>>>>>>>>>>> In Java SE environments, they are passed in the Map argument
>>>>>>>>>>> to the
>>>>>>>>>>> Persistence generateSchema or createEntityManagerFactory
>>>>>>>>>>> method.
>>>>>>>>>>> javax.persistence.schema-generation-target:
>>>>>>>>>>> The schema-generation-target property specifies whether the
>>>>>>>>>>> schema
>>>>>>>>>>> is to be created in the database, whether scripts are to be
>>>>>>>>>>> generated, or both.
>>>>>>>>>>> values for this property: DATABASE, SCRIPTS,
>>>>>>>>>>> [Open Issue: introduce for these enum or use strings? Better
>>>>>>>>>>> names??]
>>>>>>>>>>> javax.persistence.schema-generation-action:
>>>>>>>>>>> The schema-generation-action property is used to specify the
>>>>>>>>>>> action
>>>>>>>>>>> to be taken by the persistence provider. If the
>>>>>>>>>>> schema-generation-target property is not specified, no action
>>>>>>>>>>> must
>>>>>>>>>>> be taken.
>>>>>>>>>>> values for this property: NONE, CREATE, DROP_AND_CREATE, DROP
>>>>>>>>>>> [Open Issue: enum strings ("none", "create",
>>>>>>>>>>> "drop-and-create",...)
>>>>>>>>>>> javax.persistence.create-database-schemas
>>>>>>>>>>> In Java EE environments, it is anticipated that the Java EE
>>>>>>>>>>> platform provider may wish to control the creation of database
>>>>>>>>>>> schemas rather than delegate this task to the persistence
>>>>>>>>>>> provider.
>>>>>>>>>>> The create-database-schemas property specifies whether the
>>>>>>>>>>> persistence provider is to create the database schema(s) in
>>>>>>>>>>> addition to creating database objects such as tables,
>>>>>>>>>>> sequences,
>>>>>>>>>>> constraints, etc. The value of this boolean property should be
>>>>>>>>>>> set
>>>>>>>>>>> to true if the persistence provider is to create schemas in the
>>>>>>>>>>> database or to generate DDL which is to contain "CREATE SCHEMA"
>>>>>>>>>>> commands. If this property is not supplied, the provider should
>>>>>>>>>>> not attempt to create database schemas. This property may be
>>>>>>>>>>> specified in Java SE environments as well.
>>>>>>>>>>> javax.persistence.ddl-create-script-target,
>>>>>>>>>>> javax.persistence.ddl-drop-script-target:
>>>>>>>>>>> If scripts are to be generated, the target locations for the
>>>>>>>>>>> writing of these scripts must be specified. These targets may
>>>>>>>>>>> take
>>>>>>>>>>> the form of either Writers or strings designating URLs. The
>>>>>>>>>>> persistence provider must produce both create and drop
>>>>>>>>>>> scripts if
>>>>>>>>>>> the corresponding DDL targets are specified. This is
>>>>>>>>>>> independent
>>>>>>>>>>> of whether a drop action is included in the value passed for
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> schema-generation-action property. If the
>>>>>>>>>>> schema-generation-target
>>>>>>>>>>> property specifies scripts and script targets are not
>>>>>>>>>>> specified,
>>>>>>>>>>> the IllegalArgumentException should be thrown by the provider.
>>>>>>>>>>> ddl-create-script-target: a Writer configured for the
>>>>>>>>>>> persistence
>>>>>>>>>>> provider for output of the DDL script or a string specifying
>>>>>>>>>>> the URL for the DDL script. This property should only be
>>>>>>>>>>> specified if scripts are to be generated.
>>>>>>>>>>> ddl-drop-script-target: a Writer configured for the persistence
>>>>>>>>>>> provider for output of the DDL script or a string specifying
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> URL for the DDL script. This property should only be specified
>>>>>>>>>>> if scripts are to be generated.
>>>>>>>>>>> [Suggestions for better names ??]
>>>>>>>>>>> javax.persistence.database-product-name,
>>>>>>>>>>> javax.persistence.database-product-version,
>>>>>>>>>>> If scripts are to be generated by the persistence provider
>>>>>>>>>>> and a
>>>>>>>>>>> connection to the target database is not supplied, the
>>>>>>>>>>> javax.persistence.database-product-name property must be
>>>>>>>>>>> specified. The value of this property should be the value
>>>>>>>>>>> returned for the target database by the JDBC DatabaseMetaData
>>>>>>>>>>> method getDatabaseProductName. If sufficient database version
>>>>>>>>>>> information is not included in the result of this method, the
>>>>>>>>>>> database-product-version property should also be specified, and
>>>>>>>>>>> should contain the value returned by the JDBC
>>>>>>>>>>> getDatabaseProductVersion method.
>>>>>>>>>>> javax.persistence.ddl-create-script-source,
>>>>>>>>>>> javax.persistence.ddl-drop-script-source:
>>>>>>>>>>> The ddl-create-script-source and ddl-drop-script-source
>>>>>>>>>>> properties
>>>>>>>>>>> are used for script execution. In Java EE container
>>>>>>>>>>> environments,
>>>>>>>>>>> it is generally expected that the container will be responsible
>>>>>>>>>>> for executing DDL scripts, although the container is
>>>>>>>>>>> permitted to
>>>>>>>>>>> delegate this task to the persistence provider. If DDL scripts
>>>>>>>>>>> are to be used in Java SE environments or if the Java EE
>>>>>>>>>>> container
>>>>>>>>>>> delegates the execution of scripts to the persistence provider,
>>>>>>>>>>> these properties must be specified. The script sources may take
>>>>>>>>>>> the form of either Readers or strings designating URLs.
>>>>>>>>>>> ddl-create-script-source: a Reader configured for reading of
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> DDL script or a string specifying the URL for the DDL script.
>>>>>>>>>>> ddl-drop-script-source: a Reader configured for reading of the
>>>>>>>>>>> DDL
>>>>>>>>>>> script or a string specifying the URL for the DDL script.
>>>>>>>>>>> [Suggestions for better names ??]
>>>>>>>>>>> javax.persistence.sql-load-script-source:
>>>>>>>>>>> A data load script may be supplied as part of the persistence
>>>>>>>>>>> unit. In Java EE container environments, it is generally
>>>>>>>>>>> expected
>>>>>>>>>>> that the container will be responsible for executing data load
>>>>>>>>>>> scripts, although the container is permitted to delegate this
>>>>>>>>>>> task
>>>>>>>>>>> to the persistence provider. If a load script is to be used in
>>>>>>>>>>> Java SE environments or if the Java EE container delegates the
>>>>>>>>>>> execution of the load script to the persistence provider, this
>>>>>>>>>>> property must be specified. The script source may take the form
>>>>>>>>>>> of either a Reader or a string designating a URL.
>>>>>>>>>>> sql-load-script-source: a Reader configured for reading of the
>>>>>>>>>>> SQL
>>>>>>>>>>> load script for database initialization or a string specifying
>>>>>>>>>>> the URL for the script.
>>>>>>>>>>> javax.persistence.schema-generation-connection:
>>>>>>>>>>> JDBC connection to be used for schema generation. This is
>>>>>>>>>>> intended
>>>>>>>>>>> for use in Java EE environments, where the platform provider
>>>>>>>>>>> may
>>>>>>>>>>> want to control the database privileges that are available
>>>>>>>>>>> to the
>>>>>>>>>>> persistence provider. This connection is provided by the
>>>>>>>>>>> container,
>>>>>>>>>>> and should be closed by the container when the schema
>>>>>>>>>>> generation
>>>>>>>>>>> request or entity manager factory creation completes. The
>>>>>>>>>>> connection provided must have credentials sufficient for the
>>>>>>>>>>> persistence provider to carry out the requested actions. If
>>>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>>>> property is not specified, the persistence provider should use
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> DataSource that has otherwise been provided.
>>>>>>>>>>> 9.4.1 PersistenceProvider Interface:
>>>>>>>>>>> New method:
>>>>>>>>>>> /**
>>>>>>>>>>> * Create database schemas and/or tables and/or create DDL
>>>>>>>>>>> * scripts as determined by the supplied properties
>>>>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>>>>> * @param info metadata for use by the persistence provider
>>>>>>>>>>> * @param map properties for schema generation; these
>>>>>>>>>>> * may also contain provider-specific properties
>>>>>>>>>>> * @throws PersistenceException if insufficient or inconsistent
>>>>>>>>>>> * configuration information is provided or if schema
>>>>>>>>>>> * generation otherwise fails.
>>>>>>>>>>> */
>>>>>>>>>>> public void generateSchema(PersistenceUnitInfo info, Map map)
>>>>>>>>>>> 9.6 Persistence Class
>>>>>>>>>>> New method:
>>>>>>>>>>> /**
>>>>>>>>>>> * Create database schemas and/or tables and/or create DDL
>>>>>>>>>>> * scripts as determined by the supplied properties
>>>>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>>>>> * @param persistenceUnitName the name of the persistence unit
>>>>>>>>>>> * @param map properties for schema generation; these may also
>>>>>>>>>>> * contain provider-specific properties. The values of
>>>>>>>>>>> * these properties override any values that may have been
>>>>>>>>>>> * configured elsewhere.
>>>>>>>>>>> * @throws PersistenceException if insufficient or inconsistent
>>>>>>>>>>> * configuration information is provided or if schema
>>>>>>>>>>> * generation otherwise fails.
>>>>>>>>>>> */
>>>>>>>>>>> public void generateSchema(String persistenceUnitName, Map
>>>>>>>>>>> properties)
>>>>>>>>>>> -----------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> Section 8.2.1 persistence.xml file
>>>>>>>>>>> To be added to section 8.2.1:
>>>>>>>>>>> Scripts for use in schema generation and bulk loading of data
>>>>>>>>>>> may be
>>>>>>>>>>> packaged as part of the persistence unit.
>>>>>>>>>>> To be added to Section (properties):
>>>>>>>>>>> Scripts for use in schema generation are specified using the
>>>>>>>>>>> ddl-create-script and ddl-drop-script elements. A script to
>>>>>>>>>>> specify
>>>>>>>>>>> SQL for the bulk loading of data may be specified by the
>>>>>>>>>>> sql-load-script element. These scripts may be packaged as
>>>>>>>>>>> part of
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> persistence unit or designated by URL strings.
>>>>>>>>>>> <xsd:element name="database-scripts"
>>>>>>>>>>> type="database-scripts-type"
>>>>>>>>>>> minOccurs="0"/>
>>>>>>>>>>> <xsd:complexType name="database-scripts-type">
>>>>>>>>>>> <xsd:sequence>
>>>>>>>>>>> <xsd:element name="ddl-create-script" type="xsd:string"/>
>>>>>>>>>>> <xsd:element name="ddl-drop-script" type="xsd:string"
>>>>>>>>>>> minOccurs="0"/>
>>>>>>>>>>> <xsd:element name="sql-load-script" type="xsd:string"
>>>>>>>>>>> minOccurs="0"/>
>>>>>>>>>>> </xsd:sequence>
>>>>>>>>>>> </xsd:complexType>
>>>>>>>>>>> [Open Issue: do we want to require a drop-script if a
>>>>>>>>>>> create-script
>>>>>>>>>>> has been provided?]
>>>>>>>>>>> -----------
>>>>>>>>>>> Chapter 11:
>>>>>>>>>>> New annotations for use in schema generation:
>>>>>>>>>>> @Target({}) @Retention(RUNTIME)
>>>>>>>>>>> public @interface Index {
>>>>>>>>>>> String name() default "";
>>>>>>>>>>> String columnList();
>>>>>>>>>>> boolean unique() default false; // should this be here or just
>>>>>>>>>>> use
>>>>>>>>>>> UniqueConstraints?
>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>> columnList syntax follows that of the OrderBy annotation:
>>>>>>>>>>> columnList::= indexColumn [, indexColumn]*
>>>>>>>>>>> indexColumn::= columnName [ASC | DESC]
>>>>>>>>>>> If ASC or DESC is not specified, ASC is assumed
>>>>>>>>>>> Index[] indexes() default {};
>>>>>>>>>>> is to be added to Table, SecondaryTable, CollectionTable,
>>>>>>>>>>> JoinTable,
>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>> TableGenerator
>>>>>>>>>>> /**
>>>>>>>>>>> * Provides for defining a foreign key constraint or for
>>>>>>>>>>> overriding
>>>>>>>>>>> * or disabling the persistence provider's default foreign key
>>>>>>>>>>> * definition.
>>>>>>>>>>> */
>>>>>>>>>>> @Target({}) @Retention(RUNTIME)
>>>>>>>>>>> public @interface ForeignKey {
>>>>>>>>>>> String name() default "";
>>>>>>>>>>> String foreignKeyDefinition() default "";
>>>>>>>>>>> boolean disableForeignKey() default false;
>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>> The syntax used in the foreignKeyDefinition element should
>>>>>>>>>>> follow
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> SQL syntax used by the target database for foreign key
>>>>>>>>>>> constraints.
>>>>>>>>>>> E.g., this would likely be similar to the following:
>>>>>>>>>>> FOREIGN KEY ( <COLUMN expression> {, <COLUMN expression>}... )
>>>>>>>>>>> REFERENCES <TABLE identifier> [ ( <COLUMN expression> {,
>>>>>>>>>>> <COLUMN
>>>>>>>>>>> expression>}... ) ]
>>>>>>>>>>> [ ON UPDATE <referential action> ]
>>>>>>>>>>> [ ON DELETE <referential action> ]
>>>>>>>>>>> If disableForeignKey is specified as true, the provider must
>>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>> generate
>>>>>>>>>>> a foreign key constraint.
>>>>>>>>>>> The following is to be added to JoinColumn, JoinColumns,
>>>>>>>>>>> MapKeyJoinColumn,
>>>>>>>>>>> MapKeyJoinColumns, PrimaryKeyJoinColumn and
>>>>>>>>>>> PrimaryKeyJoinColumns:
>>>>>>>>>>> ForeignKey foreignKey() default @ForeignKey();
>>>> <http://oracle.com/us/design/oracle-email-sig-198324.gif>
>>>> <http://oracle.com/us/design/oracle-email-sig-198324.gif>Lance
>>>> Andersen| Principal Member of Technical Staff |
>>>> +1.781.442.2037
>>>> Oracle Java Engineering
>>>> 1 Network Drive
>>>> Burlington, MA 01803
>>>> Lance.Andersen_at_oracle.com <mailto:Lance.Andersen_at_oracle.com>