
[jsr338-experts] Re: Java Persistence 2.1

From: Michael Bouschen <michael.bouschen_at_akquinet.de>
Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2011 22:51:33 +0100

Hi Linda, hi everyone,

I'm Michael Bouschen representing akquinet tech_at_spree (located in
Berlin, Germany). I am a software architect having a long history in
Java and have been involved in persisting Java objects for more than 10
years. I was working on the JPA 2.0 expert group and I'm member of the
JDO expert groups since the beginning.

The particular areas am I'm intertest in are: Java Persistence query
language (including the criteria API), the meta model (including mapping
metadata) and fetch group/plan item from the JPA 2.1 agenda.

I'm looking forward to working with this expert group!

Regards Michael
> Welcome to the Java Persistence 2.1 Expert Group!
> This message is to announce the formal launch of the Expert Group for
> JSR 338 and to welcome you all as members. Thanks again for offering
> to participate in the JPA 2.1 effort.
> The expert group currently includes experts from 8 companies and 3
> individuals. The current members are:
> Florent Benoit (OW2)
> Deepak Anupalli (Pramati)
> Emmanuel Bernard (Red Hat)
> Rainer Schweigkoffer (SAP)
> Evan Ireland (Sybase)
> Michael Bouschen (akquinet tech_at_Spree)
> Miju Byon (TmaxSoft)
> Gordon Yorke (Oracle)
> Mike Keith (Oracle)
> Werner Keil
> Matthew Adams
> Adam Bien
> The current members of the expert group and their contact information
> are listed on the expert group home page at jcp.org.
> There are also a few more companies and individuals who are still
> sorting out their representation, processing JSPAs, etc., who I
> expect will be joining us shortly.
> As in the past, I've gotten requests to add more than one expert per
> company. If you need to add a second expert(s), whether for backup or
> internal coordination, I ask that you notify me as to who I should
> regard as the primary representive for your organization in this JSR.
> As in the past, I plan to run this JSR by a consensus-driven approach
> rather than +1/-1 votes. The presence of more than one participant
> from a company should therefore not be treated as any kind of
> leverage, but rather as a convenience.
> To start things off, and so that I know that the jpa-spec project on
> java.net and the experts mailing list are working correctly, I would
> appreciate if you would reply with a brief note so I know that I have
> you on the list correctly. It would be even more helpful to send this
> reply to the group with a brief self-introduction and a note about the
> particular areas of this JSR in which you yourself are most interested
> in being (pro)active.
> Please also (and always) feel free to send any comments or concerns
> directly to me.
> My next messages will address mailing list logistics, the working
> agenda and work-mode of the group.
> thanks!
> Linda
> Linda DeMichiel
> JPA 2.1 Specification Lead
> Oracle
> 4220 Network Circle
> Santa Clara 95054
> linda.demichiel_at_oracle.com

*Michael Bouschen*
akquinet tech_at_spree GmbH
Bülowstr. 66, D-10783 Berlin
Fon:   +49 30 235 520-33
Fax:   +49 30 217 520-12
Email: michael.bouschen_at_akquinet.de
Url: www.akquinet.de <http://www.akquinet.de>
akquinet tech_at_spree GmbH, Berlin
Geschäftsführung: Martin Weber, Prof. Dr. Christian Roth
Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg HRB 86780 B
USt.-Id. Nr.: DE 225 964 680