Welcome to the Java Persistence 2.1 Expert Group!
This message is to announce the formal launch of the Expert Group for
JSR 338 and to welcome you all as members. Thanks again for offering
to participate in the JPA 2.1 effort.
The expert group currently includes experts from 8 companies and 3
individuals. The current members are:
Florent Benoit (OW2)
Deepak Anupalli (Pramati)
Emmanuel Bernard (Red Hat)
Rainer Schweigkoffer (SAP)
Evan Ireland (Sybase)
Michael Bouschen (akquinet tech_at_Spree)
Miju Byon (TmaxSoft)
Gordon Yorke (Oracle)
Mike Keith (Oracle)
Werner Keil
Matthew Adams
Adam Bien
The current members of the expert group and their contact information
are listed on the expert group home page at jcp.org.
There are also a few more companies and individuals who are still
sorting out their representation, processing JSPAs, etc., who I
expect will be joining us shortly.
As in the past, I've gotten requests to add more than one expert per
company. If you need to add a second expert(s), whether for backup or
internal coordination, I ask that you notify me as to who I should
regard as the primary representive for your organization in this JSR.
As in the past, I plan to run this JSR by a consensus-driven approach
rather than +1/-1 votes. The presence of more than one participant
from a company should therefore not be treated as any kind of
leverage, but rather as a convenience.
To start things off, and so that I know that the jpa-spec project on
java.net and the experts mailing list are working correctly, I would
appreciate if you would reply with a brief note so I know that I have
you on the list correctly. It would be even more helpful to send this
reply to the group with a brief self-introduction and a note about the
particular areas of this JSR in which you yourself are most interested
in being (pro)active.
Please also (and always) feel free to send any comments or concerns
directly to me.
My next messages will address mailing list logistics, the working
agenda and work-mode of the group.
Linda DeMichiel
JPA 2.1 Specification Lead
4220 Network Circle
Santa Clara 95054