- (De)Serializing Custom MIME types
- [Jersey] [ANN] Jersey 2.10.1 has been released
- [Jersey] [ANN] Jersey 2.11 has been released
- [Jersey] best practice
- [Jersey] ChunkedParser query
- [Jersey] client v 1.18.1 & EnumSet
- [Jersey] ContainerResponseFilter filter function called twice when there is a 404 request
- [Jersey] Custom tags for Extended WADL support
- [Jersey] ExceptionMapper for *all* exceptions (used to log the exceptions)
- [Jersey] Getting java.io.IOException: Invalid Http response on response for Jersey Client
- [Jersey] handling dates as both java epoch longs and as ISO 8601 strings
- [Jersey] handling error handling - standard way to populate headers with error detail?
- [Jersey] How can I inject MessageBodyWorkers into a ClientResponseFilter w/out any EE/Servlet framework in JerseyClient?
- [Jersey] How to defined resquestScoped injectable object that uses an injected HttpServletRequest with Jersey2
- [Jersey] How to reload jersey on hotswap?
- [Jersey] How to set config parameters
- [Jersey] How to wrap controller result
- [Jersey] Injection for jersey 2.4.1 with jetty8
- [Jersey] JAX-RS bugfixes?
- [Jersey] Jersey 2.11 throws IllegalStateException: ServiceLocatorImpl has been shut down
- [Jersey] jersey test framework: servlet container
- [Jersey] modify jersey return using WriterInterceptor
- [Jersey] NPE in FormDataParamValueFactoryProvider if body and content-type is missing
- [Jersey] problem with moxy
- [Jersey] QueryParamException Wrapping
- [Jersey] ResourceConfig lifecycle
- [Jersey] rest & Integer
- [Jersey] Security Annotations with Jersey 1.15 and tomcat 7
- [Jersey] Send data in real time to a Jersey Web service from a standalone application
- [Jersey] ServletException , need help
- [Jersey] Two legged Oauth 1 server example
- [Jersey] Unmarshalling JSON using MoxyJsonProvider
- [Jersey] v1.8 & enconding
- [Jersey] version 1.18.1 rest & Integer
- [Jersey] 转发:ContainerResponseFilter filter function called twice when there is a 404 request
- [jsr339-experts] [OT] Refreshing WADL Spec ?
- Avoiding HTML response on unexpected exceptions
- ChunkedOutput with AsyncResponse
- ExceptionMapper for *all* exceptions (used to log the exceptions)
- handling dates as both java epoch longs and as ISO 8601 strings
- How can I inject MessageBodyWorkers into a ClientResponseFilter w/out any EE/Servlet framework in JerseyClient?
- How to reload jersey on hotswap?
- Injection for jersey 2.4.1 with jetty8
- JAX-RS bugfixes?
- Jersey 2.11 throws IllegalStateException: ServiceLocatorImpl has been shut down
- modify jersey return using WriterInterceptor
- problem with moxy
- Send data in real time to a Jersey Web service from a standalone application
- ServletException , need help
- Two legged Oauth 1 server example
- Unmarshalling JSON using MoxyJsonProvider
- v1.8 & enconding
- version 1.18.1 rest & Integer
- Last message date: Thu Jul 24 22:07:00 2014
- Archived on: Thu Aug 10 15:14:47 2017 PDT