Hi Marek,
Here are some issues for your consideration:
* Any issue marked as a Bug
* Any Improvement mentioning the word "Javadoc": (JQL: project =
JAX_RS_SPEC AND issuetype = Improvement AND resolution = Unresolved
AND text ~ javadoc ORDER BY priority DESC)
On 11/07/2014 4:17 AM, Marek Potociar wrote:
> FYI - as JAX-RS spec leads, Santiago and me have agreed that we will go through the open JAX-RS issues and select the candidate issues that we could fix without making changes to the JAX-RS API. We would then deliver the fixes and release a bug-fix update of JAX-RS 2.0 API JAR (v2.0.1). We would do this in the next few weeks and then we would repeat the process every 3-6 months until a new JAX-RS API version is released.
> If you have any other bugs that you would like to see fixed in JAX-RS API implementation, please let us know - just reply to this email with the issue link. Please note that in these bug-fix releases we can only fix implementation issues that do not affect the API signatures and do not modify the behavior of any API method in a way that it would contradict to the method javadoc. (E.g. the previously mentioned JAX_RS_SPEC-471 seems to fall into the category of issues that we can fix).
> Cheers,
> Marek
> On 03 Jul 2014, at 22:55, cowwoc <cowwoc_at_bbs.darktech.org> wrote:
>> There is nothing technically preventing Jersey from patching this bug using class shadowing, but obviously it would be preferable to fix it for everyone at once.
>> In any case, I think we need a regular bugfix schedule (e.g. every 3 months). I don't think we can afford to wait 2 years for bugfixes (as was the case for 1.0). Who can we escalate this question to?
>> Thanks,
>> Gili
>> On 03/07/2014 4:49 PM, Jason Lee wrote:
>>> That's a good question for which I don't know the answer. I know the Jersey team is cranking out updates, but, after looking at the 2.10.1 bundle, it seems that jar has not been updated since November of last year, so that bug might be in the right place. :|
>>> On 07/03/2014 03:45 PM, cowwoc wrote:
>>>> Hi Jason,
>>>> It's an implementation issue, but the class resides in the javax.ws.rs.core package. According to Maven the class resides in javax.ws.rs-api-2.0.jar which was released by the JAX-RS project, not Jersey. Are you sure that the Jersey team is able to release a new version of this JAR file?
>>>> I'd be happy to be proven wrong, because it would lead to a quicker bugfix.
>>>> Gili
>>>> On 03/07/2014 4:04 PM, Jason Lee wrote:
>>>>> Is that a spec or an impl issue? Impl issues should be filed here: https://java.net/jira/browse/JERSEY/?selectedTab=com.atlassian.jira.jira-projects-plugin:summary-panel
>>>>> On 07/03/2014 02:51 PM, cowwoc wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> When/how does Oracle to release updates to the JAX-RS runtime? I just discovered a nasty bug [1] and the bug database contains many others.
>>>>>> Do you have regularly-scheduled bugfix releases for the JAX-RS runtime?
>>>>>> [1] https://java.net/jira/browse/JAX_RS_SPEC-471
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Gili