[Jersey] Re: Unmarshalling JSON using MoxyJsonProvider

From: John Brooks <>
Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 21:18:15 -0400

Also, I already had moxy included in my pom.xml


Is that the correct way to include it?

On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 11:32 AM, John Brooks <> wrote:

> Thanks for the example, Aris! Hm, I don't see the Activity class in the
> Jersey or MOXy APIs, so I'm inferring that this is the POJO class. Is that
> correct? And setTags is just a way to initialize the data?
> Also, I'm guessing that the endpoint at /activities has been coded to just
> echo back the JSON object sent to it; am I reading that correctly?
> Again, thanks for your time! It's pretty exciting getting my teeth back
> into Java.
> John
> On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 8:19 AM, Aris Alexis <>
> wrote:
>> I think you are making it more complicated than it really is.
>> 1)Make a POJO (normal object with getters and setters)
>> 2)Include media-moxy maven package in your project
>> 3)write a test for your service like:
>> Activity=new Activity();
>> activity.setTags(tags);
>> Client client =
>> ClientBuilder.newBuilder().register(MoxyJsonFeature.class).build();
>> Entity<Activity> ent= Entity.entity(activity,
>> Response response =
>> getSessionId()).post(ent);
>> assertEquals(Response.Status.OK.getStatusCode(),
>> response.getStatus());
>> assertEquals(true,response.hasEntity());
>> //COMMENT JSONObject jo=new
>> JSONObject(response.readEntity(String.class));
>> Activity retAct=response.readEntity(Activity.class);
>> assertEquals(activity,retAct);
>> Best Regards,
>> Aris Giachnis
>> On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 2:21 AM, John Brooks <> wrote:
>>> Hi, all- I'm trying to get my head around how to take JSON and map it to
>>> an object using MOXyJsonProvider. I'm using the Planetside 2 API for a toy
>>> project using this page
>>> <> as my
>>> test. I used the documentation to get me this far:
>>> So I can print my response successfully as a string, but I don't fully
>>> understand how to write it to a POJO. I've seen a couple of examples of
>>> unmarshalling JSON to an object, and it looks like I create a public class
>>> that has members that map to the elements of the JSON array. (I got that
>>> bit of information from Blaise Doughan's blog here
>>> <> and
>>> here
>>> <>.
>>> From what I can see, I create a class like so:
>>> public class Character {
>>> private Character_list character_list;
>>> private int returned;
>>> private Timing timing;
>>> }
>>> With Character_list and Timing being classes that contain the necessary
>>> members that map to the data I want, and so on. I *think* I'm on the
>>> right track, but I'm missing one or two intuitive leaps and could use some
>>> help here. Can someone explain how I get from where I am to being able to
>>> put the resulting JSON string into an object?
>>> Thanks, and sorry for all the rank beginner stuff here!
>>> John