- "Real-world" Jersey examples?
- [Jersey] "Real-world" Jersey examples?
- [Jersey] _at_Context SecurityContext not initialized with SSL client certs
- [Jersey] _at_PersistenceContext
- [Jersey] Annotating Interfaces
- [Jersey] cache headers on a 404?
- [Jersey] Client connection status
- [Jersey] content-length
- [Jersey] Creating a web service using Glassfish, Jersey and IntelliJ IDE
- [Jersey] dealing with suptypes when posting
- [Jersey] Deploying a Jersey App
- [Jersey] ExceptionMapper not being invoked?
- [Jersey] Forcing Jackson to ignore 'type' properties for polymorphic types with Jersey
- [Jersey] Global Configuration in ServletContext?
- [Jersey] Grizzly SSL client certs to Jersey SecurityContext
- [Jersey] Grouped Parameters
- [Jersey] Guice and Jersey 2.0
- [Jersey] GZipContentEncodingFilter and Viewables
- [Jersey] How to inject a resource into a list of abstract class in Jersey Rest.
- [Jersey] Issue with jersey-freemarker
- [Jersey] Issues with long serialisation
- [Jersey] It's very hard to increase the number of worker threads in Jersey-Grizzly module.
- [Jersey] Jersey 2.0 spring integration
- [Jersey] Jersey client class loader issue
- [Jersey] Jersey Client WebResource question
- [Jersey] NPE on MoxyMessageBodyWorker.typeIsKnown()
- [Jersey] NPE when using Jersey client to connect to remote REST service
- [Jersey] One domain model, multiple json views
- [Jersey] POJO Mapping in OSGI
- [Jersey] Resources only available if I add a trailing slash - Jersey-Guice-Tomcat configuration
- [Jersey] Strange Exception on Linux java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: java.net.URISyntaxException: Expected hostname at index 8: https://:443/
- [Jersey] Using Jackson for data binding with annotations
- _at_Context SecurityContext not initialized with SSL client certs
- _at_PersistenceContext
- Annotating Interfaces
- cache headers on a 404?
- Client response unmarshalling question
- content-length
- Creating a web service using Glassfish, Jersey and IntelliJ IDE
- dealing with suptypes when posting
- Deploying a Jersey App
- ExceptionMapper not being invoked?
- Forcing Jackson to ignore 'type' properties for polymorphic types with Jersey
- Grouped Parameters
- Guice and Jersey 2.0
- GZipContentEncodingFilter and Viewables
- How to deploy secured (SSL) root resource containing not secured sub-resource methods?
- Issue with jersey-freemarker
- It's very hard to increase the number of worker threads in Jersey-Grizzly module.
- Jersey 2.0 spring integration
- Jersey client class loader issue
- Jersey Client WebResource question
- Jersey is returning 500 instead of 400 when given an invalid request body
- Jersey Test Framework
- NPE on MoxyMessageBodyWorker.typeIsKnown()
- One domain model, multiple json views
- request.getUserPrincipal()
- Resources only available if I add a trailing slash - Jersey-Guice-Tomcat configuration
- Strange behavior with StreamingOutput as entity
- Strange Exception on Linux java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: java.net.URISyntaxException: Expected hostname at index 8: https://:443/
- Using Jackson for data binding with annotations
- WebApplicationException strangeness
- Last message date: Wed May 23 09:51:29 2012
- Archived on: Thu Aug 10 15:14:47 2017 PDT