[Jersey] Re: Jersey is returning 500 instead of 400 when given an invalid request body

From: Jeremy Johnson <>
Date: Thu, 24 May 2012 09:14:33 -0400

Hi guys,

I recently returned to this issue and was able to work around it using an ExceptionMapper to catch the UnrecognizedPropertyException thrown by Jackson and map it to a 400 Bad Request response. Still, it seems to me that this should be handled by Jersey.

public class UnrecognizedPropertyExceptionMapper implements ExceptionMapper<UnrecognizedPropertyException>{

    public Response toResponse(UnrecognizedPropertyException exception) {
        return Response
                .entity( "'" + exception.getUnrecognizedPropertyName() + "' is an unrecognized field.")
                .type( MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN)

From: Jeremy Johnson <<>>
To: "<>" <<>>
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 3:00 PM
Subject: [Jersey] Jersey is returning 500 instead of 400 when given an invalid request body

I'm using Jersey's integrated Jackson processing to transform incoming JSON to a POJO argument in the handler method, e.g.:



public Response newCustomer( CustomerRepresentation customer)



If a client sends JSON with invalid fields Jersey currently returns a 500 Internal Server Error. Instead, I'd like to return a 400 Bad Request. It was indicated to me elsewhere that Jersey *should* return 400 if the parsing fails.
Any insight into what’s going on or how I might convince Jersey to return the a proper 400 error instead of the completely inappropriate 500?
Here's the exception being generated server-side, before my handler is invoked:


Unrecognized field "this_isnt_a_known"_field" (Class com.redacted....