[Jersey] Re: Annotating Interfaces

From: Colin Vipurs <>
Date: Wed, 2 May 2012 10:42:15 +0100

I've tried that, but then I seem to get no resources mounted at all.
The classpath scanning works fine, and I can see my implementation has
been picked up as a root resource provider, but I always get a 404
when trying to access that path.

Checking the application.wadl shows I have no resources mounted as shown below:

<resources base="http://localhost:8200/partner/">
        <resource path="/"/>

On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 2:41 AM, Arul Dhesiaseelan <> wrote:
> You may want to check this section on Annotation inheritance:
> The JAX-RS inheritance rules do provide a mechanism for overriding inherited
> annotations. However, it is not possible to completely remove JAX-RS
> annotations from a construct that inherits them from a super class or
> interface
> (
> Essentially, you need to move your @Path marker from your interface to your
> resource class. So, this should work just fine for you.
> public interface BlahResource {
>   @Path("/blah/{id}")
>   @GET
>   public String getTheBlah(@PathParam("id") int id);
> }
> @Path("/") --> This qualifies when scanning a resource from
> classpath/package.
> public class JaxRsBlahResource implements BlahResource {
>   public String getTheBlah(int id) {
>     System.out.println("Blah! " + id);
>     return "Blah!";
>   }
> }
> Hope this helps!
> -Arul
> On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 11:32 PM, Colin Vipurs <> wrote:
>> I have a project that uses Spring that I wish to introduce AOP to.
>> Our resource classes have constructors with arguments so I believe
>> this requires introducing interfaces and annotating those instead of
>> the implementation so that Spring can do its "magic", and this is
>> where the problems start.
>> I've moved my annotations to my interface, so I end with something like:
>> @Path("/")
>> public interface BlahResource {
>>   @Path("/blah/{id}")
>>   public void getTheBlah();
>> }
>> public class JaxRsBlahResource implements BlahResource {
>>   public void getTheBlah() { .... }
>> }
>> This throwns an error as following:
>> SEVERE: Conflicting URI templates. The URI template / for root
>> resource class JaxRsBlahResource and the URI template / transform to
>> the same regular expression (/.*)?
>> So it seems that the @Path component is being picked up twice.  If I
>> add another @Path annotation to the implementation, so something like:
>> @Path("/blah")
>> The everything works ok, but I now have that resource exposed at two
>> different endpoints.
>> It feels like I'm missing something obvious, but I'm tearing my hair
>> out figuring out what?
>> --
>> Maybe she awoke to see the roommate's boyfriend swinging from the
>> chandelier wearing a boar's head.
>> Something which you, I, and everyone else would call "Tuesday", of course.
> --

Maybe she awoke to see the roommate's boyfriend swinging from the
chandelier wearing a boar's head.
Something which you, I, and everyone else would call "Tuesday", of course.