Paul C. Bryan wrote:
> Hi all:
> 1. I've taken the liberty of creating a "Jersey and OAuth" page on the
> Jersey wiki:
> I wasn't sure if this is the right placement of such a document, of
> there is another preferable area. Thoughts?
Seems like a reasonable place to me. Is it also linked from the "home"
wiki page?
I've started reviewing this code, and it looks really useful. One thing
that would tremendously help OAuth newbies, though, is a fully worked
example that shows the entire orchestration of the three-party use case
described in the spec (user, consumer, and service provider). All the
examples in the test cases assume you've acquired all the secrets already.
I'd be willing to help code up such a thing, so we could stick it in the
"samples" directory. What do you think?
> 2. I've also added the Jersey OAuth API docs to the Jersey site:
> I did this manually by copying the results of mvn javadoc:javadoc. Is
> this generally manual, or is there an automagic script that does this?
I'll defer to Paul and Jakub on this one, as they set up the automatic
javadoc update process for the rest of the javadocs.
> Thanks,
> Paul
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