- [ANN] JAX-RS API 2.1-m06 has been released
- [ANN] JAX-RS API 2.1-m07 has been released - Public Review release
- [jax-rs-spec users] Default ExecutorService used on the client
- [jax-rs-spec users] HTTP PATCH on the client
- [jax-rs-spec users] Proposal to drop non-blocking I/O from JAX-RS 2.1
- [jax-rs-spec users] SseEventSource javadoc
- Default ExecutorService used on the client
- HTTP PATCH on the client
- Issue tracker migration - https://github.com/jax-rs/api/issues
- Java.net migration, part 1 - JIRA
- JAX_RS_SPEC-464 Reason Phrase
- JAX_RS_SPEC-523: ClientBuilder can set ExecutorService and ScheduledExecutorService
- JIRA vs GitHub
- Minor SSE API changes
- Proposal to drop non-blocking I/O from JAX-RS 2.1
- Returning CompletionStage from a resource method
- SseEventSource javadoc