[jsr344-experts mirror] Let's get started on JSF 2.3

From: arjan tijms <>
Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2014 13:40:45 +0200

On Friday, August 1, 2014, Edward Burns <> wrote:
KM> Also, I'm intrigued to see the dependency on Java
KM> SE 8. I didn't realize that was the target platform for Java EE 8. Is
KM> plan to add Java 8 features to the existing APIs?

SE 8 is the requirement for EE8. JSF 2.3 will be the first release of
JSF where we abandon our long-standing policy of lagging one SE release

+1 for that!

It's great that JSF 2.3 can now take advantage of java SE 8 where needed. I
always thought it was a petty that JSF didn't take advantage of annotations
and generics in Java EE 5 and had to wait for EE 6.

We don't have any special mandate to add SE 8 features to
existing APIs, but if someone wants to suggest things, we're open to it.

At the moment we're looking to use the JDK 8 stream API for doing tree
visiting. There are a few bumps when doing this externally (some essential
methods in the visiting API are protected) but all in all it looks

KM> Also, in terms of potential features/changes, OmniFaces is a very good
KM> starting point for missing odds and ends.

Yes, it is.

Thanks ;) I already noticed more than a few spec issues either reference
OmniFaces directly or are about things that OmniFaces has done something

We're more than happy to contribute and/or re-implement whatever is deemed
interesting in OmniFaces to the JSF spec and implementation. joining
the JCP recently was mainly to be able to do this ;)

Kind regards,