Re: Deployer refactoring

From: Jeanfrancois Arcand <Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 09:49:58 -0400


Hubert Iwaniuk wrote:
> Hi,
> On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 11:15 PM, Survivant 00 <
> <>> wrote:
> I made a autodeploy different than Tomcat or Jetty. They have a
> command web.xml that is happen to each webapp deployed.
> I did the samething, but instead of having a fixed default.xml , I
> used more generic way.
> the param :--autodeploy |allow you to specified web.xml paths that
> you want to deploy on each webapps.
> ex : if you add a web.xml named jasper.xml or quercus.xml you
> could add theses supports to all webapps without to have to put
> jasper+quercus in the same default.xml
> like that by command line, you could launch 2 DEployer instances and
> both of them could have differents configs.. one with jasper support
> and the other with PHP support.
> but the result at the end.. is to provide a default support.
> What do you think ?
> |
> I was thinking of providing webdefault.xml that could be overwritten by
> cmd line parameter.
> In refactoring branch we have utility method to merge WebApps so it
> should be quite simple to implement both approaches.


> Autodeploy name is a bit confusing, these are not web applications, we
> talk here only about web.xmls.

Yes we need fix that.

> While autodeploy seems like this *.war files will be automatically
> deployed at start.

That was I was under the impression as well

> Users of Tomcat and Jetty will be already familiar with webdefault.xml.
> What we could do is this:
> 1. change parameter name autodeploy->webdefault


> 2. make it accept path and base on what path is:
> 1. file -> use this file as webdefault.xml instead one we
> provide and merge this webapp with all apps deployed,
> 2. directory -> read all *.xml files in directory, load those
> files as web.xmls and merge them with all apps deployed.
> That way migrating users will have behavior that they are familiar with,
> and it can be used with multiple web.xml files.
> How do you like it?


-- Jeanfrancois

> H.