Re: Deployer refactoring

From: Survivant 00 <>
Date: Wed, 9 Sep 2009 21:17:00 -0400

here two examples for auto deploy support : JSP and PHP. could add Python
too.. anything that works.. it's only a web.xml file.

bon.. je pars faire dodo.. je dois soigner ma grippe.

2009/9/9 Survivant 00 <>

> yes it's a plain web.xml format.
> agreed with a default web.xml
> my idea was to get the smaller package as possible and no external
> dependencies. If the person wanted JSP support he add just to load the
> jasper.xml and add jasper jars.
> but I didn't had in mind to get a full j2ee web container at this point, so
> if we want that.. we will need to include more dependancies..
> I liked the idea to have a really small jar, no external dependencies and
> allow addon support. As an example, I don't like very much the idea to run
> a full GF or Tomcat only to serve static html files. Too big for nothing.
> Will help Hubert to test his refactoring, I had some test case with
> Deployer that will be useful.
> A part ca, I need to find answer how to handle J2EE annotations. I put
> some comments in the issue's tracker. We will have to do that later in the
> Hubert's refactoring.
> 2009/9/9 Jeanfrancois Arcand <>
>> Survivant 00 wrote:
>>> I made a autodeploy different than Tomcat or Jetty. They have a command
>>> web.xml that is happen to each webapp deployed.
>>> I did the samething, but instead of having a fixed default.xml , I used
>>> more generic way.
>>> the param :--autodeploy |allow you to specified web.xml paths that you
>>> want to deploy on each webapps.
>>> ex : if you add a web.xml named jasper.xml or quercus.xml you could
>>> add theses supports to all webapps without to have to put jasper+quercus in
>>> the same default.xml
>>> like that by command line, you could launch 2 DEployer instances and both
>>> of them could have differents configs.. one with jasper support and the
>>> other with PHP support.
>> Without looking, is the jasper.xml file follow the normal web.xml format?
>> (I suspect yes).
>> I like your idea but I think I would augment it with a default web.xml if
>> the --autodeploy comment is not used. Right now Hubert's work will allow us
>> to support a WebAppAdapter, which should also support the same behavior or
>> fallback to default-web.xml if none specified.
>> A+
>> -- Jeanfrancois
>>> but the result at the end.. is to provide a default support.
>>> What do you think ?
>>> |
>>> 2009/9/9 Hubert Iwaniuk <>
>>> Hi,
>>> Refactoring is nearly finished.
>>> I tested it and so far what I see is that it doesn't work properly
>>> with filters, but I think it is current state on trunk.
>>> Autodeploy needs to be fixed, I would like to change it at same time
>>> to approach taken by Jetty:
>>> What do you guys think of it?
>>> If anyone files like running some test please go ahead.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Hubert.
>>> On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 5:27 PM, Jeanfrancois Arcand
>>> < <>>
>>> wrote:
>>> Salut,
>>> Hubert Iwaniuk wrote:
>>> Hi *
>>> Since I'm not only one interested in improving deployer,
>>> I've branched my refactoring to
>>> So it's easy to follow what is happening there.
>>> For now I've started Structuring classloaders and started
>>> creating WebAppAdapter plus lots of minor improvements.
>>> Great!!! I think it will help to document as much as possible
>>> every changes so it easier to follow. If you have time or course.
>>> Thanks for initiating that works!!
>>> -- Jeanfrancois
>>> Cheers,
>>> Hubert.
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