Re: Deployer refactoring

From: Survivant 00 <>
Date: Wed, 9 Sep 2009 21:08:09 -0400

yes it's a plain web.xml format.

agreed with a default web.xml

my idea was to get the smaller package as possible and no external
dependencies. If the person wanted JSP support he add just to load the
jasper.xml and add jasper jars.

but I didn't had in mind to get a full j2ee web container at this point, so
if we want that.. we will need to include more dependancies..

I liked the idea to have a really small jar, no external dependencies and
allow addon support. As an example, I don't like very much the idea to run
a full GF or Tomcat only to serve static html files. Too big for nothing.

Will help Hubert to test his refactoring, I had some test case with Deployer
that will be useful.

A part ca, I need to find answer how to handle J2EE annotations. I put some
comments in the issue's tracker. We will have to do that later in the
Hubert's refactoring.

2009/9/9 Jeanfrancois Arcand <>

> Survivant 00 wrote:
>> I made a autodeploy different than Tomcat or Jetty. They have a command
>> web.xml that is happen to each webapp deployed.
>> I did the samething, but instead of having a fixed default.xml , I used
>> more generic way.
>> the param :--autodeploy |allow you to specified web.xml paths that you
>> want to deploy on each webapps.
>> ex : if you add a web.xml named jasper.xml or quercus.xml you could
>> add theses supports to all webapps without to have to put jasper+quercus in
>> the same default.xml
>> like that by command line, you could launch 2 DEployer instances and both
>> of them could have differents configs.. one with jasper support and the
>> other with PHP support.
> Without looking, is the jasper.xml file follow the normal web.xml format?
> (I suspect yes).
> I like your idea but I think I would augment it with a default web.xml if
> the --autodeploy comment is not used. Right now Hubert's work will allow us
> to support a WebAppAdapter, which should also support the same behavior or
> fallback to default-web.xml if none specified.
> A+
> -- Jeanfrancois
>> but the result at the end.. is to provide a default support.
>> What do you think ?
>> |
>> 2009/9/9 Hubert Iwaniuk <>
>> Hi,
>> Refactoring is nearly finished.
>> I tested it and so far what I see is that it doesn't work properly
>> with filters, but I think it is current state on trunk.
>> Autodeploy needs to be fixed, I would like to change it at same time
>> to approach taken by Jetty:
>> What do you guys think of it?
>> If anyone files like running some test please go ahead.
>> Cheers,
>> Hubert.
>> On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 5:27 PM, Jeanfrancois Arcand
>> < <>>
>> wrote:
>> Salut,
>> Hubert Iwaniuk wrote:
>> Hi *
>> Since I'm not only one interested in improving deployer,
>> I've branched my refactoring to
>> So it's easy to follow what is happening there.
>> For now I've started Structuring classloaders and started
>> creating WebAppAdapter plus lots of minor improvements.
>> Great!!! I think it will help to document as much as possible
>> every changes so it easier to follow. If you have time or course.
>> Thanks for initiating that works!!
>> -- Jeanfrancois
>> Cheers,
>> Hubert.
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