Re: enabled JMX into grizzly-framework

From: Jeanfrancois Arcand <Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2008 10:31:50 -0500


Oleksiy Stashok wrote:
>> Salut,
>> Oleksiy Stashok wrote:
>>> Hi Sebastien,
>>>> I want to discuss about how we could add JMX into grizzly
>>>> framework. JF give a good sample how to enable JMX into
>>>> Grizzlywebserver but there nothing into the framework itself. I
>>>> need to be able to monitor my gateway build on grizzly. I could use
>>>> spring jmx, mx4j or others frameworks, but I don't want to hack the
>>>> source of grizzly to be able to monitor.
>>> Cool! :)
>>> Ken Cavanaugh is currently working on implementation of JMX framework
>>> (based on annotations), which will be also used by Glassfish. IMHO it
>>> could be good idea, if you can reuse as much as possible work Ken has
>>> done. This way Grizzly JMX, ideally, could be reused by GF as it is,
>>> or with a minimum changes.
>> -0 We should not tie yourself to a single JMX framework and try to
>> craft an API that can be used by any JMX tool/framework. I'm not
>> saying we cannot use Ken's framework (on the contrary), but the way we
>> expose the information needs to be genrics enought so we can add
>> Wrapper based on the JMX framework used. The GrizzlyWebServer has a
>> simple enough API that it can be used with any JMX framework.
> Well, I'm not sure how general is the JMX framework Ken is working on,
> but if it general and easy to use - why not reuse it.

OK as an independent module I've no problem :-) But not in the core
classes. We need to be free of any external framework :-)

> For sure it could do something extra specifically for GF, but in that
> case we can take just a core part from it.
> Ken, do you think it will be possible for Grizzly to reuse just core
> part of the JMX framework and not be dependent on any GF specific APIs?
>>>> Here some features that I found interesting
>>>> - monitor the parsers
>>>> - monitor the filters
>>>> - be able to add or disabled parsers and filters within the
>>>> protocolchain
>>>> - a way to change the logging level (I have a way for log4, but I
>>>> don't know if java.util.logging support that on runtime)
>>>> - we have grizzlywebserver, maybe we can add a web console to manage
>>>> all the beans
>>>> - be able to change port at runtime
>>>> - close / reconnect the listeners
>>> It could be good to have statistics
>>> - number of live connections
>>> - total number of sent/received bytes
>>> - number of sent/received bytes by channel
>>> Control of:
>>> - number of worker-threads
>>> - number of selector threads
>>> - size of temporary selector pool
>> +1 That's why we need to fix:
> It is fixed in 2.0 ;)

LOL :-)


-- Jeanfrancois

> WBR,
> Alexey.
>> A+
>> -- Jeanfrancois
>>> Thank you.
>>> WBR,
>>> Alexey.
>>>> - be able to offer custom monitoring : like a cache.
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