Re: Mail from log handler

From: <>
Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2013 17:58:24 -0500 (CDT)

Since we are collaborating on this issue, I thought I would provide more
information on how to reproduce. I am now getting the NoSuchMethodError
consistently, even when the domain is first started without any applications
being loaded. To make it easier to reproduce, I started with a clean
installation of GF (build 5) running on Linux. The only JAR files I
have in the domains/aces3/lib directory are Oracle and MySQL JDBC jar files.
Note: My domain is named aces3 instead of domain1. The
domains/aces3/config/ was updated with the following
entries: handlers=java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler,smtphandler.SMTPHandler
smtphandler.SMTPHandler.level=SEVERE smtphandler.SMTPHandler.smtpHost= smtphandler.SMTPHandler.from=
smtphandler.SMTPHandler.subject=[SMTPHandler] Application message Finally, I
added the following JAR files to domains/aces3/lib/ext smtphandler-0.6.jar
mail.jar (JavaMail 1.4.4) So I can see the classloading output, I added the
JVM option -verbose:class to the domain.xml, and start the domain as follows:
asadmin start-domain -v 2>&1 | tee /tmp/domain.log This gives me combined
logging output and classloader output in a single file--this file is
attached. I know there is already a copy of the JavaMail 1.4.4 classes in the
glassfish/modules directory (javax.mail.jar), so I repeated the test as
follows and get basically the same result. - Removed mail.jar from
domains/aces3/lib/ext - Updated MANIFEST.MF file in the smtphandler-0.6.jar
to contain Class-Path: ../../../../modules/javax.mail.jar This causes the
JavaMail classes to be loaded from the same file as used by Glassfish to
eliminate multiple versions of these classes, but the end result is the same.
Hopefully this helps someone that knows more about the GF classloaders to
reproduce this issue with minumal setup. Thanks in advance for your

[Message sent by forum member 'cbrumfield']
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