Re: admin-thread-pool idle timeout

From: Ryan Lubke <>
Date: Tue, 06 Nov 2012 22:32:36 -0800

I believe the deployment is initiated over HTTP, so if the deployment
process takes too long, well, then you know what happens.

> <>
> November 6, 2012 6:47 AM
> It really prevents timeout. Thank you very much for all your help. The
> only
> thing that I cannot understand is how http request is involved here?
> Is there
> any http request issued for a singleton @PostConstruct method that is
> called
> during an application start? Could you please suggest any
> documentation that
> could help me to understand GF configuration setting in details. Many
> thanks.
> --
> [Message sent by forum member 'apostle']
> View Post:
> <>
> November 4, 2012 1:56 PM
> [quote=apostle]Do you mean this property? asadmin set
> /1) How long does the deployment take on Windows?/ The deployment on
> windows
> takes more than 90 minutes. It is more than the time for deployment on
> ubuntu. This is something that I cannot understand. That is strange. I
> recall
> that there are/were some issues with deployment taking a long time.
> I'm not
> sure which issues those are yet - I'll check. /2) What is the nature
> of the
> application you're deploying (EJBs, CDI,/ /size of the archive,
> etc.)?/ It is
> an .ear file with several modules: an EJB module and three web
> applications.
> The most time is consumed by a singleton. Could the change of
> request-timeout-seconds property help in this case? It should prevent the
> timeout. /I would recommend using jstack or visualvm for this task. /
> I'm not
> familiar with any of this tool unfortunately. I looked through short
> howto
> for jstack here
> and I have a question: If the deployment process takes about 70 minutes
> should I run jstack periodically during the deployment process? BTW I
> tried
> to deploy the application several times on ubuntu server and this message
> appears at different time after the deployment process started. It may
> appear
> from 15mins till 50 mins after the process start. I would take several
> snapshots of the thread state. Thank you for helping me out.[/quote]
> --
> [Message sent by forum member 'rlubke']
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