Re: JackRabbit JCA Classloading issues

From: Gustavo Henrique Orair <>
Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2011 16:09:52 -0200

I checked the j2EE6 specification for classloading behaviour.
In section 8.3.2 - EJB Container Class Loading Requirements it states:

"*Components in the EJB container must have access to the following classes
and resources.
** The contents of all jar files included in each resource adapter archive
(rar file) deployed separately to the application server, if that resource
adapter is used to satisfy any resource references in the module.

*So, the behaviour I found in Glassfish seems like not J2EE6 compliant.

Should I file a bug?

                               Gustavo Henrique Orair
 Mestre em Ciência da Computação - MSc in Computer Science
                                    Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
               Celular/Cell phone: 55-31-85157887

2011/12/19 Gustavo Henrique Orair <>

> I have some issues with Glassfish ClassLoader.
> I am using JackRabbit JCA (Resource Adapter for JCR Repositories) to
> provide JCR repositories (JSR-283).
> I have many problems and all looks like related to classloading.
> It looks like that Glassfish ClassLoader do not find the libraries inside
> the jackrabbit JCA rar.
> JackRabbit JCA is shipped with JackRabbit Core inside that provides the
> "server implementation". But the class with this implementation is not
> found by the classloader.
> I will try to explain what I found trying to solve this problem and the
> workarounds I've used and see if someone may help me to understand better
> the problems and how to solve them (or file a bug).
> JackRabbit JCA is a Resource Adapter. You may create connection pool for a
> specific JCR Repository providing some parameters such as HomeDir (the
> directory where the repository is found).
> JackRabbit JCA based on these parameters specified uses
> org.apache.jackrabbit.client.RepositoryFactoryImpl class. This
> RepositoryFactoryImpl class just get the parameters specified and check the
> existence of the HomeDir parameter. When this HomeDir parameter is found,
> it try to load the class org.apache.jackrabbit.core.RepositoryFactoryImpl
> dynamically (provided in jackrabbit-core inside the jackrabbit-jca). The
> code used to load org.apache.jackrabbit.core.RepositoryFactoryImpl is
> similar to:
> Class<?> repositoryFactoryClass =
> Class.forName("org.apache.jackrabbit.core.RepositoryFactoryImpl",
> true,Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());
> repositoryFactory = repositoryFactoryClass.newInstance();
> If the clients perform explicit JNDI lookups, the
> org.apache.jackrabbit.client.RepositoryFactoryImpl is not being found.
> Another very common option for the clients to access the JCR repository is
> to use JcrUtils.getRepository(String uri) provided in
> jackrabbit-jcr-commons (specifying a "jndi:jcr/Repository" uri) . This
> utility basically search using ServiceRegistry.lookupProviders for
> RepositoryFactory providers that accepts the parameters specified. Code:
> Iterator<RepositoryFactory> iterator =
> ServiceRegistry.lookupProviders(RepositoryFactory.class);
> Using this utility, the code fails again (it really make an explicit JNDI
> lookup inside JndiRepositoryFactory class).
> Since these classes were not being found inside JackRabbit JCA, I tried as
> a workaround to add jackrabbit-core and jackrabbit-commons modules inside
> the EAR.
> I was able to get the repository but I needed another workaround.
> I added JMX methods to a singleton EJB to make the tests easier (and study
> JMX classloader issues).
> If I invoke JCRUtils.getRepository directly from this singleton EJB, the
> RepositoryFactory implementations are not found.
> So, I did a following workaround: Created a Stateless Session bean. The
> Singleton EJB works like a "proxy" and just delegate the methods from
> Singleton ejb to the stateless ejb. Using this workround, finally I could
> successfully get a JCR repository using JNDI. Additional note: if the
> delegation is done to static methods defined in the stateless ejb, the
> workaround doesn't work.
> To make easier to reproduce these problems,
> I have created a small EJB module with the stateless and the singleton ejb
> as discussed.
> This EJB module has a Singleton JMXServiceActivator. The
> JMXServiceActivator is registered in managed bean server as
> app.JMXServiceActivator and you can use jmx client (such as jconsole) to
> launch the following methos:
> 1 - getRepositoryUsingExplicitJNDI(String jndiName);
> 2 - getRepositoryUsingJCRUtils(String jndiName);
> 3 - getRepositoryUsingExplicitJNDIWithoutProxy(String jndiName);
> 4 - getRepositoryUsingJCRUtilsWithoutProxy(String jndiName);
> After, I created 3 different client EARs to check all these issues
> (attached in this e-mail):
> 1 - EAR
> No Jackrabbit dependencies
> (It should be possible to get the jackrabbit repository using explicit
> 2 - EAR2
> jackrabbit-commons and jackrabbit-core dependences
> (it really can get the JCR repository but a "proxy" using Stateless
> session being is needed to make it work)
> 3 - EAR3
> Just jackrabbit-commons dependency
> (It should be possible to get the JCR repository using
> JCRUtils.getRepository(String uri) but it does not work)
> I am doing something wrong?
> Are these really Classloading bugs?
> Is this just an unique bug or there are multiple bugs involved?
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Gustavo Henrique Orair
> Mestre em Ciência da Computação - MSc in Computer Science
> Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
> Celular/Cell phone: 55-31-85157887
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------