Re: GF 3.1.1 - asadmin create-sytem-properties - how to escape 'backslash'

From: Paul Davies <>
Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2011 07:46:08 -0800

Hi Bernhard,

You're welcome and thanks for this clarification.

On Linux systems, the backslash character is itself a special character
and so, therefore, must be escaped. As a result, 4 backslashes are need
to specify the \ in an option argument on Linux systems:

    $ asadmin create-system-properties --target pmdconfig
    Command create-system-properties executed successfully.
    $ asadmin list-system-properties pmdconfig
    The target pmdconfig contains following 11 system properties
    Command list-system-properties executed successfully.

However, even on a Linux system, it seems that a single \ as an escape
character is sufficient for the set subcommand:

    $ asadmin set\:\\glassfish3\\glassfish\glassfish3\glassfish
    Command set executed successfully.
    $ asadmin get\glassfish3\glassfish
    Command get executed successfully.

This inconsistency is not documented. I'll follow up to see if it should be.


On 12/20/2011 7:28 AM, Bernhard Thalmayr wrote:
> Thanks for your investigestions Paul , much appreciated.
> I should have mentioned that I run 'asadmin' from a Linux box ... not
> from a Windows box (secure admin, remote asadmin call)
> If I do not escape the 'colon' the shell can not deal with the
> command at all.
> The 'set' command works in this constellation, however the
> create-system-properties does not ... the backslash is never escaped
> leading to a missing backslash in the value when viewing the config
> through the web-console.
> -Bernhard
> On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 4:18 PM, Paul Davies <
> <>> wrote:
> Hi,
> At least some of the inconsistencies that you observe are the
> expected (and documented) behavior for these subcommands.
> According to the asadmin(1M)
> <>
> man page, the colon must be escaped if it is part of a property or
> a Java Virtual Machine option. As the colon in the set command is
> not part of a property, I do not believe that the colon in the
> drive ID should be escaped.
> The asadmin(1M) man page also states that on Windows systems in
> single command mode, the backslash character does not require an
> escape character.
> My experiments with the set command are consistent with these
> observations. No escape characters seem to be required in a
> Windows path if the command is run in single mode on Windows:
> C:\>asadmin set
> Command set executed successfully.
> C:\>asadmin get
> Command get executed successfully.
> If I try to escape the colon and backslash characters, the escape
> characters are part of the attribute value that is set:
> C:\>asadmin set
> Command set executed successfully.
> C:\>asadmin get
> Command get executed successfully.
> However, with create-system-property, it seems that the colon and
> backslash characters must be escaped, even on Windows systems in
> single mode:
> C:\>asadmin create-system-properties --target pmdconfig
> mydir=C\:\glassfish\glassfish3
> Command create-system-properties executed successfully.
> C:\>asadmin create-system-properties --target pmdconfig
> yourdir=C\:\\glassfish\\glassfish3
> Command create-system-properties executed successfully.
> C:\>asadmin list-system-properties pmdconfig
> The target pmdconfig contains following 2 system properties
> mydir=C:glassfishglassfish3
> yourdir=C:\glassfish\glassfish3
> Command list-system-properties executed successfully.
> This behavior contradicts the statement in the asadmin(1M) man
> page that on Windows systems in single command mode, the backslash
> character does not require an escape character. I'll follow up
> with the admin team to see if an issue is required against
> asadmin, create-system-properties or their man pages.
> Instead of escaping the colon and backslash characters
> individually, you can enclose the entire path in single quote (')
> characters:
> C:\>asadmin create-system-properties --target pmdconfig
> ourdir='C:\glassfish3\glassfish'
> Command create-system-properties executed successfully.
> C:\>asadmin list-system-properties pmdconfig
> The target pmdconfig contains following 3 system properties
> mydir=C:glassfishglassfish3
> yourdir=C:\glassfish\glassfish3
> ourdir=C:\glassfish3\glassfish
> Command list-system-properties executed successfully.
> Hope this helps.
> Regards,
> -Paul Davies
> On 12/20/2011 5:34 AM, Bernhard Thalmayr wrote:
>> Hi experts,
>> somehow it seems that the handling of backslashes is different
>> for the different asadmin commands.
>> Escaping a backslash using the 'create-system-properties does not
>> seem to work, but escaping a backslash using the 'set' command
>> works as expected (paths look correct using the console)
>> set
>> <config-name>.java-config.native-library-path-prefix=C\:\\<some-dir>\\<some-subdir>
>> vs.
>> create-system-properties --target <some-config>
>> <SOME-VAR>=C\:\\<some-dir>\\<some-subdir>
>> Any pointers avaialble?
>> TIA,
>> Bernhard
>> --
>> IT-Consulting Bernhard Thalmayr
>> - Painstaking Minds -
>> 83620 Vagen (Munich area)
>> Germany
> --
> IT-Consulting Bernhard Thalmayr
> - Painstaking Minds -
> 83620 Vagen (Munich area)
> Germany