Re: GF 3.1.1 Classloading issue ... how to tackle it?

From: Andreas Loew <>
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 22:27:10 +0100

Hi Bernhard,

it's completely fine (and not at all an issue!) to use delegate=false in
web applications. This option has been included in the Servlet spec
since the very early days, but the default value has always been
delegate=true in all versions since SJS AS 8.x/Servlet 2.x at least.

Unfortunately, this idea never found its way into the EJB specs, so
that's why you still have to use One-JAR and custom classloaders in case
you were to need the same for the EJB container... :-(

HTH & best regards,


Am 29.11.2011 22:17, schrieb Bernhard Thalmayr:
> Thanks a lot for your efforts, much appreciated.
> Currently I packaged the web-application to be self-contained ... (and
> use 'delegate=false' ... IIRC accoring to the spec).
> Although this duplicates the libraries it seems to be the only chance.
> Of course this does not work for enterprise apps or ejb jars.
> Would you mind explaining why using 'delegate=false' is an issue? It
> has been the default for older version of the appserver .... one is
> very astonished (if he does not read the dev-guide beforehand) that
> some 'interesting' things are happing now on GF 3.1.1.

Andreas Loew | Senior Java Architect
ACS Principal Service Delivery Engineer
Oracle Advanced Customer Services
ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG