SSL error when accessing admin console remotely

From: Laird Nelson <>
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 16:22:31 -0500

Hello; some of my developers are reporting that with Glassfish 3.1.2 build
9 any attempt to access the administration console remotely (from a
different machine's web browser) fails.

Here are the steps to reproduce the problem:

Install Glassfish normally.

Start the server:
asadmin start-domain

Change the administration password:
asadmin change-admin-password
Enter admin user name [default: admin]> admin
Enter admin password> <return>
Enter new admin password> somepassword
Enter new admin password again> somepassword
Command change-admin-password executed successfully.

Enable "secure admin":
asadmin enable-secure-admin
Enter admin user name> admin
Enter admin password for user "admin">
Command enable-secure-admin executed successfully.

Stop the server:
asadmin stop-domain

Start the server:
asadmin start-domain

Now navigate to that machine's port 4848 from another box. Put in
adminfor the username and
somepassword for the password.

A blank screen results (the URL reflects the j_security_check destination).

The log file says, in part:

Caused by: SSL peer shut down incorrectly
        ... 57 more

I noticed lots of JIRAs related to SSL errors, but they all appear to have
been fixed. Is this a new error, a regression, or...?

Thanks as always,
