Re: Remote Glassfish V3 JMX and jconsole ?

From: Sven Hafner <>
Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2011 11:50:54 +0800

some findings:

using the default domain with admin-no pwd

add these 4 to the jvm settings and it works


nothing else touched.

Still I find it strange to configure the GF JMX connector and adding the
same values to the JVM settings, dont you agree ?

On Friday 18,November,2011 10:00 AM, Sven Hafner wrote:
> Hi,
> this is an old topic and across various forums keep on asking without
> getting a conclusive answer.
> (some discussions refer to GF 2.1 which are not necessary applicable
> to GF 3+)
> How do I connect jconsole to a remote default ("domain1") domain ? It
> does not work out-of-the-box ,
> and with whatever settings I change (in "Edit JMX connector") the only
> To add to the confusion it is possible to start a JVM with JMX
> settings, a part from the glassfish own settings,
> certainly conflicting.
> or
> -Dcom.sun.aas.jconsole.server.cbport=XXXX
> -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=XXXX
> I saw various combinations of above settings in some forums added to
> the config mix.
> Is there a simple "how to" to get it up and running ?
> My setup: Ubuntu Desktop running Virtualbox with a "remote" Ubuntu
> Server running GF3.1.1
> Any feedback appreciated.
> Sven