How does Glassfish @EJB find local references?

From: <>
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2011 19:37:19 -0500 (CDT)

 Hi, hopefully the group can help.

I have an unmanaged object in which I am trying to use a local stateless EJB.

I am using new InitialContext().lookup("xxx")

I don't want to know what the actual bean implementation is, just the local

Somehow @EJB annotation can resolve the local interface and inject the bean
in the managed object,

but there is no name that I can use in lookup() to find the EJB just by the
local interface.

What magic can I use to duplicate the @EJB annotaion functionality?

I do not want to reference *Mock class anywhere, just the local interface,

also I do not want to use @Stateless(name= "XXX") things either as the @EJB
does not need that.

Here's the code:





public class JunkMailEraserMock implements JunkMailEraserLocal



    public void erase()


        // just a fake test





    public boolean isMock()


        return true;





class Client


@EJB JunkMailEraserLocal eraser; // WORKS!

lookup("WHAT DO I PUT IN HERE") // or replace with some CDI magic perhaps?




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