JNDI and remote clients under GF 3.0.1

From: <>
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2011 16:43:42 -0500 (CDT)

I hate to post it again here, but it seems like I am facing an issue with GF
3.0.1 that I cannot solve. So here it is...

I have 2 machines: server A and B. Server A runs glassfish 3.0.1. I need to
connect with stand alone client on machine B to get JNDI resources on A
(factories, queues, topics) to later connect to JMS broker running on A. Now
I tried 2 ways:

a) setting org.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialHost=serverA_IP variable on command line
while runing stand alone client on machine B

b) starting up another GF instance on B and set up JMS service type to remote
and JMS default host to serverA_IP.

In both cases I get timeouts when trying to connect to JNDI service on server
A. I can however directly telnet to serverA_IP:3700, so I know it is up and

When both stand alone client and GF are running on the same server everything
works fine without issues.

Do I need to configure anything special on serverA GF?


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