When I start the cluster I get the following errors:
: The method setHARequired is not present in the class :
No setter method present for the property HARequired in the class
Hmm. I get that too. I've logged it as a bug [1]
I think this is harmless (the property in question was removed a long time
ago and is no longer needed)
Error occurred on connection creation [localhost:27676]. - cause: Connection reset|#]
The resource adapter (in GlassFish) is trying to connect to a MQ broker which
it thinks is running on localhost:27676. Obviously there is no such broker.
This is explained by the next message:
broker: [16/Aug/2011:17:56:37 BST] ERROR [B3168]: Invalid broker address for
this broker to run in cluster: Loopback IP address is not allowed in broker
[2] for cluster|#]
That's a message from the broker itself, telling us that it can't start
because it is incorrectly configured with an address of 127:0.0.1. So, as you
already know, there's a problem with the way your cluster has been
I think it gets this host name from the GlassFish "node". When you created
the node, what hostname did you give?
a) why this is the case when the type is set to local and I set the
clustertype to enhanced with the configure-jms-cluster? Should it not of
created me the correct default host?
As I said, i think it gets this from the "node".
b) will creating a new jms host with a host of using create-jms-host
be of any use?
Probably no. You ought to be able to resolve this without resorting to that.
Can I suggest you supply the complete set of commands you ran, starting with
[Message sent by forum member 'nigeldeakin']
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