Getting a list of Java EE roles for an .ear file

From: Laird Nelson <>
Date: Mon, 8 Aug 2011 13:39:05 -0400

I've read (and understand, but obviously not fully) Ron Monzillo's article
on doing this:

Is there a related recipe for returning all the application role names as
declared in an .ear file's application.xml's <security-role> stanzas?

I have an EJB at the moment that is using Ron's recipe to attempt to
calculate such a list. It is correctly returning any roles that the EJB
happens to mention in a @DeclareRoles annotation; otherwise, it returns

Thanks for any pointers; it is of course quite possible that I've missed

My use case is not the usual "how do I dynamically add/change/delete roles",
which of course is not possible in Java EE. It is instead to come up with a
list of such unchanging roles so that my UI developers can put together a
dynamic UI permission screen. Effectively, each role from this list will be
used in a "isUserInRole()" call from elsewhere in the application.

I was hoping that this would work without having to sprinkle otherwise
meaningless and not-needed @DeclareRoles annotations (or their deployment
descriptor equivalents) throughout the code.

I certainly hope such a thing is possible, as otherwise I will be
duplicating work that the container already has to perform.
