Re: Embedded glassfish: dispose() does not clean up resources

From: Marina Vatkina <>
Date: Wed, 11 May 2011 11:14:31 -0700


It seems that not all temp instance dirs are removed. On my mac after
the embedded run from the ejb devtests, there were 3 dirs left. I
checked one of them:

% find

And some ScatteredArchive seem to leave behind empty dirs ...


Bhavanishankar wrote:
> dispose() is supposed to clean up the temporary files. And it does it
> right at least in my system (which is Linux). I suspect it could be a
> windows specific issue. If so, please create a bug.
> Also, I don't think Embedded GlassFish creates tons of files. It
> creates at max 10 files during startup w/ total of around 100k in size.
> Thanks,
> Bhavani.
> On 05/10/2011 03:44 AM, Laird Nelson wrote:
>> I'm using Glassfish 3.1.
>> Embedded Glassfish features an API call that is supposed to clean up
>> resources that it allocates.
>> On my Windows 2008 box, I call this method, but my temp directory
>> fills up with tons of Glassfish files nonetheless.
>> What could be the cause here, before I spend the time to put together
>> a full test case for this bug?
>> Best,
>> Laird