RE: How to obtain Class from JPA entity name?

From: Martin Gainty <>
Date: Wed, 11 May 2011 13:34:24 -0400

//assuming you have access to the EntityManager?
java.persistence.EntityManager em;

for (Type.PersistenceType c : em.getEntityManagerFactory().getMetaModel().getEntities().getIDType().getPersisentType().values())
   if(c.equalsIgnoreCase("ENTITY") return c.getDeclaringClass().toString();

does this help?
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Subject: How to obtain Class from JPA entity name?
Date: Wed, 11 May 2011 17:19:59 +0200

Is there any chance for a program running in GlassFish to find out the java.lang.Class that is the one having @Entity(name = "X")? In other words, a users types in the String "X" and what he shall get is the java.lang.Class that has @Entity(name = "X") or is class X and just has @Entity. I have no idea to solve that, but all the info is found at runtime somewhere, so there should be a way to do that… Thanks for all ideas! :-) RegardsMarkus