Re: Compiling JSP is slow on v3

From: <>
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2010 01:31:50 PDT

You may well be right, kchung. It may not be the JSP compilation [i]itself[/i] that has become slower, but some other related mechanism. But who knows?

What I see is after a redeploy is that it takes a loong time to get to my first login JSP page (I use form-based authentication with redirect to https). After login, it takes a loong time to get the home page. Then it's the same story for each new different page.

But once a page has been visited, it's quick. That's why my prime suspect was JSP compilation.

I run my development on an AMD Phenom 9650 Quad-Core 2.3 GHz with 3 GB RAM running WinXP. I have also increased the memory for JVM to 1000m as recommended by J-F Arcand. (Not that it seems to help).

Some numbers:

On v2 after redeployment it took about 5-10 s to get the login page. There were no further delays after that, and getting the home page etc was very quick (< 1 s).

On v3 after redeployment it takes about 36 s to get the login page, and about 13 s to get the home page. Getting another page takes 7 s. The CPU usage is high during this time. After that, getting these two pages again is very quick, as with v2.

(The 5-10 s and 36 s to get the login page includes the time before my webapp even answers).

This of course slows down my edit-deploy-test cycle considerable. Quite frustrating.

Thanks for looking ito this!

Per Lindberg
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