Re: Launch app-client via JWS on windows and mac (server runs on windows)

From: <>
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 2010 23:11:19 PDT

Hey Tim.

As always i feel very happy to hear from you.

I saw your blog post at:

I defenetly want add my little grain to it.

From our point of view we are not using any native libraries, I am just scared if of all the jars that JWS downloads from glassfish some of them contained native libraries for the platform where gf server is installed. We thought that if we installed gf server on windows we could maybe not be able to launch the app-client on a mac or ubuntu machine. Is this the case?

Regarding customization of the JNLP, yes there are a few applications that could be handy to us. One is the JVM parameters to launch the app-client as in gf 2.1 I had to create a .bat file calling
with things like javaws http://url -Jmxs=1g

But if we could set up this in our app client it would defenetly be better.

The other customization that we would appreciate to make is our own splash screen. Can we do that too?

All an all I am an asoulute fan od JWS for enterprise applications. To me, looking up resources like JMS through DI, enjoying container managed authentication from a swing client, calling remote EJBs so easily. I tell you, makes our life so much easier.

I know you are working (or targeting) to reduce the amount of jars downloaded by JWS from the server and I know you got your heart in the right place too.

Another thing that has been backfiring around JWS is that in netbeans (at least 6.9) when you create an ear file with an ejb module and an app-client is not possible to deploy as the app-client's maifest file includes the ejb-module and for some reson glassfish scans this for annotations and complains about not being to resolve entitymanager references or local ejb references. Maybe you could poke the netbeans guys on this or I'll raise a bug myself. To my knowledge there is no need for the app client to make add the ejb module to the manifest file 's classpath as it is by default already in the classpath (they are both ear modules within the same ear). I uploaded an really basic example an I have it here.

So in summary,

1 can we safely deploy the app client to multiple platforms (mac, win, ubuntu)? (we are not using our own native libs)
2. Can we customize splash screen?
3. Any idea why netbeans 6.9 is doing that?

I'll probably update tonight or tomorrow via the update tool and I'let you know how it goes.

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