Re: Launch app-client via JWS on windows and mac (server runs on windows)

From: <>
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 2010 20:37:44 PDT

Hello, Pablo.

Are you referring to native libraries that you include with your EAR and which your client needs in order to work correctly?

Native libraries will not work with the automatic support for Java Web Start in GlassFish 3.0.1 and earlier.

One of the enhancements we have made in 3.1 is to allow developers to add their own content to the generated JNLP documents for app clients. You can read about the enhancement and how to use it here:

The section entitled "User Experience" will be the most useful part of that document for you.

The implementation of this feature is already in the nightly and promoted builds and the milestone 3 build of GlassFish 3.1. We would be glad for users to begin trying this new feature. Keep in mind that there is not yet formal documentation for this feature, but the link above should help get you started if you are able and willing to work with 3.1. And feel free to post questions here in the forum.

- Tim
[Message sent by forum member 'tjquinn']