--------- on the server side I have:
public interface PujInstitutionFacade extends
PujEntityFacade<PujInstitutionEntity> { ... }
public class PujInstitutionFacadeImpl extends
CRUDEntityFacade<PujInstitutionEntity> implements PujInstitutionFacade
{ ... }
--------- on the client side I have only the local interface (client-jar)
the lookup works, but it returns a proxy.. and when I try to cast the
proxy to my local interface, it throws an exception:
$Proxy1086 cannot be cast to
at com.kenai.puj.arena.vraptor.controller.IndexController.<init>(IndexController.java:48)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
what is missed ?
* the interface implementation code is not available in the client side..
* everything running in the same Glassfish V3