Re: Oracle JDBC driver question

From: NBW <>
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2010 17:28:27 -0500

OK - I found them included in the GF 2.1.1 Enterprise Server with HADB
support. So my only question really is what's the difference between those
drivers and the oracle thin ojdbc drivers? Thanks.

On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 5:19 PM, NBW <> wrote:

> The documentation for GF 2.1.1 [1] references smbase.jar, smoracle.jar,
> and smutil.jar as the required driver JARs to install for Oracle support
> as opposed to the thin driver (ojdbc[4-6]) which are listed in the 'limted'
> support section. Where can I get these? How are they different from the
> 'limited' support thin client drivers? Thanks.
> [1] -