Re: JEE6 EAR with two WARs

From: Hong Zhang <Hong.Zhang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2010 14:02:52 -0500

Hi, Glenn

>I'm working on a JEE6 enterprise app, built with NetBeans. So far,
>we've been building it with two subprojects: EJB and WAR. Now we want
>to add a second war, which we successfully added to the enterprise
>project. The EAR builds properly, and when we deploy it to GlassFish
>V3, we see the EJB jar and two WARs in the destination directory on
>GlassFish (...glassfish/domains/shadow/applications/phoenix-jee6). But
>the new WAR file does not get expanded (i.e. it's not deployed).
>Is this supposed to happen? Should we deploy the second WAR separately?
>expand it in place? Or are we doing something wrong?
Seems the war file might not be treated as a component module of the
ear. Can you check if there is an application.xml in the ear and whether
the newly added war is declared in the application.xml?


- Hong