Re: Java Web Start Client with -javaagent option

From: <>
Date: Sat, 13 Feb 2010 11:21:18 PST

thank you for reply.

To the first point - you're right, I haven't weaved the classes, only setted it in persistence.xml. At this time I have some troubles with setting the static weaving correctly for my project. Hopeful I will by able to use dynamic weaving :)

To the second point - I'm sending the entities to server by save. When I've tried to save a modified entity with manytoone lazy relation, a new one with all attributes null has been created. So I've debugged the server side - the entity returned from client has had all attributes null (for example name, number,...), not only the relationship attribute.

This is happening only when I run the client from URL with IP address (also from the "server" computer when not using URL with localhost). When I run the client from URL with locahost, saving an entity works correctly. Is there any configuration in Glassfish, which can affect this? I tried to set the orb-listener-1 to the IP address, but this didn't help.

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