Re: Java Web Start Client with -javaagent option

From: <>
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2010 15:37:18 PST

Hi Michael,

Couple of things

1. The exception stack posted above (Posted: Feb 12, 2010 1:38 AM) seems to be coming from the server side and not from the appclient side. Did you have your persistsence.xml set up for static weaving? If yes, you will need to statically weave your Entity classes before packaging them into .ear

> Entities with manytoone lazy are returned to server empty - all attributes are null.
Are you trying to get the entities from appclient to server? Do you really get all* attributes of the entities (not only the relationship attribute) as null?

If you are indicating static weaving please make sure to weave your entities before packaging them.
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