You don't need to restart glassfish when changing that port number.
Internally, the web container will restart itself on the new port.
On 2/12/10 11:43 AM, Hassan Schroeder wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 7:52 PM,<> wrote:
>> My logs do not show any errors during this time when trying to access the site, it is as if no one is trying to. all i get is...
>> Not Found
>> The requested document was not found on this server.
> OK, so something is responding on port 80. You're absolutely sure
> that there isn't something else listening there? Try issuing a direct
> request with telnet and post what it returns.
> But if it *is* glassfish, then look at your working configs, change one
> of those other ports to 80, and restart. You'd probably want to start
> with an empty log file, to make it easier to examine for startup time
> errors, too.
> HTH,