GFv3 Windows Service support has problems

From: NBW <>
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 11:47:03 -0500

The old issue, as reported under Glassfish v2 here:
still a problem with GFv3. In fact the two steps which correct this problem
on v2 do not work for v3.

Here's what I am seeing:

Platform: Windows XP Pro x64
              JDK: 1.6.0_10-b33 (32bit JVM)
              Glassfish v3

Installed GFv3 Windows Service per these
Started service and logged into Administration console. Everything is OK at
this point. Logged out of Windows. Tried to connect to Administration
console from a different machine and could not connect. Logged back in to
the console as the same user and looked at the GF service using the Service
control panel. It was down. Rebooted the machine. Connected to the
Administration console from another system and it worked. Logged into the
server's console as the same user as before and observed the service was
running. Logged out of the console and tried to use the Administration
console remotely and observed it was not running. Logged back in to the
server's console and observed it had died again.

I added <jvm-options>-Xrs</jvm-options> to
GF_HOME\glassfish\domains\domain1\config\domain.xml and also added
<sysproperty key="-Xrs"/> to GF_HOME\glassfish\lib\processLauncher.xml,
restarted the GF service, and repeated the above tests with the same