RE: Glassfish and Adobe Flex Development

From: Vincent Deschênes <>
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2010 21:27:44 -0500

We configure our Flex project build path/output folder to be a folder of a web app (under WebContent).
When we build the flex project the html and swf are updated and then deployed to the glassfih server automatically.

We do not have to restart the server.




From: Ronak Patel []
Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2010 4:39 PM
Subject: Glassfish and Adobe Flex Development




I am using Glassfish to host my BlazeDS backend (a glorified war file that does JPA).


While developing my Flex Application, Eclipse and Flex Builder overwrites the generated swf and html files.


I have Flex Builder pointed at the J2EE_MODULES folder in Glassfish so I can hit refresh in my browser to test.


However, I am having a problem where Glassfish is holding on to the file handle for those files and prevents Eclipse from
modifying/deleting them.


Has anyone gotten around this problem? It's getting real annoying to keep restarting the container each time I want a full build to
occur during development.




Ronak Patel