Re: Problem with ACCLogManager in Glassfish Java Webstart Client.

From: <>
Date: Mon, 08 Feb 2010 15:52:45 PST

What version of Java are you using on the client side? (I ask just because Java Web Start's class loader evolved a bit from 1.5 to 1.6. I'm not sure it's relevant; I just want to make sure I have a full picture of the runtime environment.)

Does the DJNativeSwing framework start up its own event dispatcher thread (EDT), do you know?

I'm not sure that matters either, really, but here's what I'm thinking.

Java Web Start should make sure that the class loader is set correctly to see the appserv-rt.jar file - the one that contains ACCLogManager - among lots of others listed in the JNLP document. The only way the Java runtime could know to look for the ACCLogManager is if Java Web Start had processed the JNLP document and set the java.util.log.manager system property based on the <property> element from the JNLP document. But if it has done that, then Java Web Start should also have set up the class loader and its class path so appserv-rt.jar would be on that path and so that ACCLogManager would be found.

So I'm puzzled as well.

- Tim
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