EJB takes a long time to be loaded on glassfish v2.1.1

From: <>
Date: Mon, 08 Feb 2010 10:45:02 PST

Hi, when I deploy my .ear application on glassfish v2.1.1 on Redhat, it takes a long to deploy, 40-60 minutes. From the logging, I believe the major of time is used to load all the ejbs. And my application contains old ejb2.

I am still using ejb2 is because I am trying to port over a old application to glassfish first, then the next phase is to change the application to use ejb3. In my application, I have a lot of entity beans, and in order for it to work on glassfish, I have to redefine the entity beans(that's already defined in ejb-jar.xml) again in sun-cmp-mapping.xml through "<entity-mapping>".

I tried to increase memory to 2G, it still doesn't improve the loading time. I turn logging to the finest. And the logging is only showing deployment thread is in progress, so I am really stuck. Any help is appreciated!

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