Re: redeploying on restart for glassfish v3

From: Hong Zhang <Hong.Zhang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 05 Feb 2010 09:13:36 -0500

Hi, shreyasd
    Does the "publish" here means "loaded"? If so, all the deployed
applications will be unloaded as part of the server shutdown, and will
be loaded again as part of the server start up, so applications which
were in service before the server restart will continue to be in service
after server restart. If you don't want the applications be loaded
(active) after the server restart, you can disable the particular
application before restarting the server.
    If the "publish" here means publishing the beans in the jndi name
space, that step is part of the loading the application, making the
application available to the user, it can not/should not be disabled

- Hong

>i am using glassfish v3 from eclipse.
>each time i restart server , the application is publlished again
>can this be prevented.
>for each restart of server application should not be published again.
>it takes too much time for publishing.
>and logs contain jndi name for each bean in ejb jar