I don't think this OS configuration is supported.
One thing to try is to use a new installation directory.(that you have
not used in your earlier attempts).
Could be that there are left over files in your previous attempts
interfering with the installer.
Also you could use the "jar" bundle that installs and sets up the
binaries using "ant".
glassfish_at_javadesktop.org wrote:
> I've tried to install glassfish v3 on my Linux machine (Slackware 12.2). I've followed the installation guide to the T (accepting everything default, no registration at installation) but the installation fails because there is not much found in the glassfish3 folder. If I check I see a /var and an /updateman (or similar) but nothing else. no /bin no /etc or whatever the installer is looking for. The installation is quite fast (the progress bar really shoots from left to right).
> Now, what have I done incorrectly?
> Thanks for your time
> Cor
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