Glassfish v3 / EclipseLink 2.0 Persistence Problem

From: <>
Date: Wed, 03 Feb 2010 08:48:31 PST

Hi all,
the same post again with a different subject, to attract more persistence attention ;-)

I am currently trying to port a Glassfishv2 Application to GF3. On GF2 it used EclipseLink 1.0.2, in GF3 I want to use Eclipselink 2.0 (as it comes with glassfish).

When deploying my app I have the problem that EclipseLink generates only insert statements, no updates. It attempts to insert everything again and again into the database instead of just updating, generating lots of duplicate key errors.

In Glassfish 2 I have also seen this behaviour, and it could be fixed with the following line in persistence.xml:

<property name="" value="SunAS9"/>

How can I fix it in GF3 ?
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